Hi, Gemini! Happy Hump day Wednesday! You are known for your wit and charm and that’s because you were born between May 21 and June 20. Today’s horoscope looks at trust. Astrologer Megan Wilson breaks it down for you to understand what the stars have to say.

What to expect

Today, Gemini, you have to remember in life, things don’t always go the way we want. So there’s a possible delay of information coming your way and it’s a little annoying. You feel that the trip you had planned for, will have to be canceled. However, you don't have to have a meltdown, because the stars believe that it may actually get your wish.

Wait, make certain adjustments, that way you can achieve your responsibilities and then enjoy the trip.

If you get the feeling that you can't quite put your finger on what's holding you back, don't despair, Gemini. Instead, look a little deeper and you might be able to decipher the exact reason. Normally, you are very sure about what you want and are usually ready to latch on and not let go. Don't feel bad if you get indecisive -- it's normal to be that way sometimes, and if you're feeling it, don't try to deny it. With some further investigation, everything will be understood sooner or later.

How to get through your day

To get through your day, Gemini, the Moon in Taurus suggests that since this is going to be a fantastic day for you, go ahead and enjoy it.

Luckily for you, you will have stable emotions and you will discover that your sense of well-being is getting better and better. Since you have a strong sense of self-confidence, use this to your advantage, Gemini.

Wear something in brown for good luck today.

You could have lots of opportunities for resting today. Do some gardening or a little shopping can be good too.

Tonight the stars will finally give in to your constant complaints and desires and give you what you want. But, it would be good for you to calm down a little. Take a page out of fellow Gemini Kanye West by taking a break from social media.

For the older Gemini, know that with all your beauty and sensuality, you won't find it hard to put yourself out there.

Using a little imagination could be a great thing! The stars suggest that you open up to someone you like, or it could be a missed opportunity.

Connections count, but not in the way you think. Make an effort to be as kind as you can to whomever you encounter today. Not only will you find your routine smoothing out, but you may also receive an unexpected dividend

Okay, Gemini, that’s it for today’s daily horoscope. Hope you enjoyed and be sure to check out your horoscope tomorrow. Thanks for reading, and have an exceptional Wednesday!