The United States economy has in the past grown tremendously as compared to other countries. Donald Trump thinks that the current growth level of the United States in not enough and is not unsustainable. Donald Trump is a businessman and has more than 40 years experience in business. Most of his business ventures are in real estate. With vast experience in business as compared to previous U.S presidents, he may have faced several challenges such as acquiring sales for his businesses.

His hotels and casinos have declared bankruptcies six times between the year 1991 and 2009. He is not taking any chances and has begun a series of measures that will positively change the U.S economy. His series of actions include,

Labor policies

Locking out foreign workers is one of his plans. Trump has proposed the scrapping of the H1B visa that allows foreign workers to work in the United States in fields such as engineering, computer science, and finance. Previous administrations have used this visa program to bring in foreign skills that will help the United States advance and compete with foreign nations.

It has also helped close the gap in skill shortage within the United States. Trump thinks the visa program takes away jobs for American workers. He has also accused some local companies of using the program to hire cheap foreign labor. The scrapping of this program by the Trump administration will ensure that only Americans are hired within workplaces, this will potentially reduce the country's unemployment rate.

Economic policies

Trump has also threatened to pull the United States out of North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The program was set up to promote free trade between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. With the scrapping of the agreement, the United States will impose a series of taxes on imports from the two countries; this will reduce the levels of U.S imports from Canada and Mexico into the U.S.

Trump aims at protecting local manufacturers from cheap imports from the two countries; this will reduce the country's trade deficit between its two trading partners. Trump has also threatened to increase taxes on imports from China.

He plans to raise import tariffs on Chinese goods to 45%. He believes that there is a massive trade deficit between China and the United States. The deficit is favoring China. The measures will also protect U.S producers from cheap Chinese imports and will prevent them from closing down and moving their factories to overseas countries such as China. Trump has also begun to cut U.S donations to foreign countries. He signed an executive measure that cuts funding to countries that promote abortion.

Congress blocked his plan to cut U.S aid to Africa. He is not in support of U.S funding to foreign militaries and has threatened to pull out of NATO. He also threatened to reduce funding to the United Nations unless other countries pay their equal share. Trump has also in the recent past proposed to reduce the corporate tax for U.S companies from 38.9% to 15%.

The effects of the policies.

Although the two policies will bring much-needed cash to the U.S economy as well as give an opportunity to U.S workers to quickly find work, the relations between the United States and other countries might be jeopardized. For instance, China threatened to cancel purchases of airplanes from Boeing if tariffs on the goods it sells to the United States are increased. Its dominance globally will also be reduced, and countries such as Europe and China will begin to advance their global dominance.