There was a time when you could distinguish the difference between what was called holy and that which was considered profane. Today the lines are so blurred that Jonathan Cain, former lead singer of Journey, said he often cannot tell if songs are about worshipping the Lord or a lover. Actor Brad Pitt reportedly made a similar comparison.
Pitt's Christian beginnings
The May 10th "Pulpit & Pen" blog expounded upon an interview Pitt gave to GQ. In the article, Pitt said he was raised in a Christian home -- first Baptist and later Charismatic. He spoke of Rules And Regulations that he did not understand.
Brad Pitt continued by saying he did not see much difference between Charismatic church services and rock concerts.
He points out that in both venues there is hand raising and music that heightens the atmosphere. This confused the actor, because, like Jonathan Cain, he saw the lines blurred between the world and the church. He experienced similarities between the Charismatic church and rock concerts. Each, however, bore different labels -- one was said to be from God, and the other from Satan.
The changing landscape of the modern Charismatic church
Church services have been evolving within the Charismatic denomination. I have had the same experiences as Cain and Pitt. I have listened to "Christian" songs on the radio that have the same beat as hit records from the 1970's.
Instead of my mind being stayed on the Lord, I recall dance moves that were used when these songs were out. Slow worship songs today sound the same as music in days gone by that indeed were sung to a lover.
I also recently attended a "church" where I thought I was at a secular concert. The overhead lights were off, and it was dark.
On the stage there were strobe lights flashing, smoke, and a band playing. I kept expecting to see people light up marijuana because this scene was so reminiscent of the 1970's. In no way did it seem as if I were in church.
Brad Pitt makes valid points
Pitt found nothing in his Christian church experience that led him to faith in Jesus Christ.
All he took away from it was the do's and do not's, and the rock and roll-type atmosphere, which he could experience without believing in God. Pitt now considers himself an atheist/agnostic.
The early Christian church formed with people who believed Christ rose from the dead. Today that message seems to be lost in dogmatic rules and regulations, and setting up an atmosphere that appeases the flesh rather than the spirit. If there is no difference between the holy and the profane, how can anyone make an informed decision on which to choose? Clearly Christians need to do better at marketing their "brand."