In the United States, harboring illegal immigrants is a crime. In the Bible it is considered a good deed. So it is not quite a miracle that many local pastors feel that they are obligated to care for people in need? A conflict between law and faith is the consequence. In the Holy Bible men and women stating their experience, are giving us examples of their spiritual experiences.

Throughout Christian history, the Psalms have been a source of value for believers. It is more than good if a Christian believer decides to base his or her decisions on the teachings of the scriptures. What can be traced back to the beginning of time is the account of the Lord's communication with His people. The wisdom that was given to the apostles is also of help to all of us in our modern times in a world tortured by war and injustice. The words of the Holy Bible are eternal and cannot be altered by any kind of political force. This is a fact that all these people should keep in mind who are in positions of political power.

A Christian is always a Christian, independent of his or her nationality.

Spiritual virtues vs. the law?

The spiritual value of the biblical wisdom lies in the fact that they help the believer to understand how to act in everday life. The biblical teachings come down to our own daily life on a pragmatic level. There are periods in our collective lives when we are in trouble when the Christian believer feels that he or she is incapable of acting in compliance with God's will. Sometimes our minds are tired, and our hearts are hurting, times when we have a hard time to follow the Biblical teachings and to look at things from a Christian perspective. But somehow this fact can strengthen us as citizens of this great nation under God.

We feel that we are never alone, in fact, we have never been alone.

Tension between State and faith

What is happening to Christians today is nothing that generation of the past may not have experienced. We know these tensions between state and faith very well. Even in Jesus' time this topic was an issue. The Book of Psalms is of value in this context, and we all should turn to it in these times. "Remembering these biblical teachings we can understand how to act in times when our nation under God is confronting us with laws which are in conflict with the scriptures", says Brother Matthew of the Boston-based Christian Missionary Center.