Want to learn as much as possible in as short a time frame as possible? Create your own business. Don't have the idea yet? Work for someone else who is creating their own Startup. On the way, you'll learn more than you ever could Working for a major US corporation. Let's take a look at the reasons why a job at a startup is the ideal first job.
1. Diversity of Roles.
Companies might hire an individual to do one simple task. Investment banks hire analysts who will then work with Excel and help create pitch projects for prospective clients. Insurance agents are told to go out and sell insurance.
Accountants get to keep track of numbers and make sure everything looks good.
At a startup, things are different. There aren't enough people working there to have one individual working on an individual role. Instead, different people are given multiple roles to fulfill. There's no other choice. A startup is too small and too lean to afford more employees who will take cash from the company. That means employees at startups receive multiple chances to work on a variety of impactful projects and issues.
2. Experience.
You want to brag about work experience on a resume? At a startup, you will have the chance to prove yourself quickly as the concept comes to fruition. If the startup succeeds, you as an employee will have been a part of that success.
And because these companies are by nature small, employees deserve some of the credit associated with success. Afterwards, these employees can go to prospective employees and illustrate the successful contribution they made to the team.
3. Want to Start a Business?
It's true that you can paid less at a startup than you would at a bigger business.
But that's not necessarily a bad thing. If you are interested in starting your own business, working at a startup gives you great insight into how a company works. And you'll be paid more than you would have been if you had started the business. Founders are often forced to reinvest their money into the company and reap no benefits until much later in the startup's timeline.