This Friday marks the premiere of the film "Fifty Shades Darker," the most awaited movie by the women who read the saga written by E.L. James. This time the movie is directed by a man, James Foley, since the producers wanted the new film to be more intense in terms of eroticism, and they believe that Foley achieved that goal with this latest sequel. There are several reasons to watch the movie, including the excellent soundtrack, as well as the developing story. Artists like Sia, Taylor Swift, and John Legend are included on said soundtrack, among others.
What's new?
At the beginning of the film, Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) and Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) are reconciled, but that happiness will last them only a little while, because Grey's past comes back to ruin everything. The fans of the story finally meet Mrs. Robinson (Kim Basinger), the woman who introduced Grey to sadomasochism. Anastasia Steele wil have a new boss who will awaken Grey's jealousy. In addition, we will meet the character Leila Williams (Bella Heathcote), the ex-girlfriend of Christian Grey, who has mental problems and wants to destroy the life that both Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele are attempting to build together.
The success of "50 Shades" generated a great deal of controversy regarding female desire.
The fans assure that this story (the novel and the film) improved their sex lives, making it more interesting and entertaining. The truth is that there are a few erotic novels written by women and it seems that E.L. James understands female sexuality very well. Most erotic novels are written by men, so a male point of view prevails that does not take into account the true female desire.
Although many claim that "50 Shades" promotes female submission, others defend the novel because it tells a love story.
Many predict that this fabulous marketing phenomenon is a fad that will very soon be replaced by another popular novel. Meanwhile, everyone is waiting for the movie to finally premiere this Friday.