Only hours remain before the unpredictable and vocally militant US President-elect Donald Trump is officially sworn in as the 45th President. Trump comes into the White House at a time when the world is grappling with many stifling issues, including terrorism, a refugee crisis in Europe, and even the deadlock on the two state solution between Israel and Palestine.

Trump's support for Israel

Even though the President-elect has openly supported Israel, vowing massive support once he takes office, it remains widely uncertain if he will indeed move the American embassy to Jerusalem as he has persistently stated. The move (according to analysts) is likely to spark a renewed wave of conflict because Israel and Palestinian authorities view East Jerusalem as a potential capital for their state.

Early this week, a dozen diplomats in Paris called on the President-elect to prioritize peace in the Middle East by establishing mechanisms under which the Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas can kick-start the stalled peace talks.

It remains unlikely, however, that Donald Trump will bow to the pressure of the international community to speed up the stalled peace process, especially after the United Nations passed a resolution condemning continued Israel occupation and encroachment on Palestinian land.

Trump clashes with Merkel on migrants

On the spiraling refugee issue in Europe, Trump has gone against tradition by sharply criticizing German chancellor Angela Merkel for her open door policy on refugees. Speaking to CNN, Merkel stated that she considered it ‘exceptionally’ inappropriate for the President- elect Donald Trump to engage in the direct politics of other countries.

Her sentiments were immediately backed by outgoing French President Francois Hollande, who asserted that Europe has no need for outsiders (referring to Donald Trump) to tell them what to do.

This diplomatic row may just prove how bumpy the relationship between America and Europe may turn out in the coming weeks once Trump enters the Oval Office.

War on Terrorism and ISIS

Trump is entering the White House at a time of heightened terrorism. ISIS is also on the rise in many parts of North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. Despite increased US surveillance, home-grown terrorism caused by internet radicalization is on the rise and has claimed innocent lives -- the most recent being the shooting attack at Fort Lauderdale Airport where five people were killed, with six others critically injured.

The uncertainty surrounding NATO will further jeopardize the war on terrorism and ISIS. Trump has openly called NATO "obsolete" and demanded its overhaul.

It’s not clear if he will soften his stance once he takes office or whether he will recall thousands of US forces serving under NATO.

Donald Trump has not spoken widely about Africa and how America will continue its programs on the continent. His decision to remain silent has not been taken as a good sign for those countries that rely on US support in the fight against Al-Shabaab and other extremist groups in Somalia. The US funds many anti-malaria and HIV programs across the continent, and anticipation is on the rise as the clock ticks to Trump’s Inauguration Day.