Donald Trump's ears had to be scorching hot with Elizabeth Warren breaking out in a "nasty woman" rage against him today. She assigned the word "nasty" to the feet of the women who will march down to the polls and vote against him. After listing all the things the "nasty women" would do during this election, some might say she went a foot, or "feet" too far. Her "nasty feet" comment doesn't leave visions of sugar plums dancing in one's head!
Women with nasty feet unite
She told Trump via a shout-out that "nasty women" have had it with him. It is not known if Trump has heard her words of endearment as of yet, but he was busy today. He was last seen crawling out of his "basket of deplorables," but there's no doubt that he should hear about this soon!
Warren had it in for Trump
With Trump being Trump it's not hard to predict what he will say about Warren's rather harsh message when he addresses her spew. As the Huffington Post reports, Warren said that "nasty women are smart" and that "nasty women vote," and she got her message through.
With that said, she might have gone just a "nasty" too far and unintentionally sent out a visual with her words. Her comment about women marching their "nasty feet" to the election booths conjures all kinds of weird things in the mind's eye.
As visions of festering toes in your head
Her "nasty feet" comment conjures up visions of something possibly festering in between the toes of Hillary's female voters. Maybe you picture red and inflamed feet, like you would see with athlete's foot? You almost expected to see someone hold up a sign saying something along the lines of "nasty feet unite!"
Warren exploding and Hillary swaying
The clip of Warren assigning everything about the female and her vote to the word "nasty" played over and over again on news shows Monday.
In the background and off to the side sat Hillary Clinton who seemed to chuckle as those "nasty" comments exploded from Warren's mouth. She also looked like she was swaying in the wind as Warren took her harsh nasty stand. You can check the clip out below from YouTube.
Throwing stones from your glass house?
Why Hillary would put Warren on the stage to shout and yell the same type of disparaging comments that she condemns Trump for is anyone's guess. She certainly seemed to enjoy letting Warren embark on a speech reminiscent to a boxer's prelude to a fight. It was probably better for Hillary to let Warren be the attack dog in this fight, as she is trying to maintain a lady-like appearance to contrast Trump's rather diamond in the rough demeanor!