The name Adlai Stevenson has been a powerful one in politics, as indicated by the Chicago Sun-Times. Particularly in the State of Illinois. They've also gone on to play major roles in federal politics in the United States.
Adlai Stevenson III would become one of the most prominent members of the United States Senate. He had also apparently hoped to become governor of Illinois.
And though he came close, that would never quite come to pass.
Passed away on September 6
Adlai Stevenson III died on September 6, 2021. Politico reports that he was at his home in Chicago at the time. The apparent cause of death was Lewy body dementia.
Stevenson's great-grandfather, Adlai I, served in the United States House of Representatives. During President Grover Cleveland's first administration, he was an assistant postmaster general. During Cleveland's second tenure in office, the senior Adlai Stevenson was the vice president of the United States. His son, Lewis, would become the Illinois secretary of state.
Lewis Stevenson would name his son Adlai Stevenson II. Adlai II would become, among other things, governor of Illinois and a two-time Democratic nominee for president of the United States. Adlai III was his first-born child.
During the 1950s, the third Adlai clerked for an Illinois Supreme Court justice. Afterward, he joined a private law practice. In 1964, he was elected as a Democratic member of the Illinois House of Representatives. Three years later, he became treasurer of Illinois.
In 1970, Stevenson ran in a special election for one of the state's U.S. Senate seats. He would go on to defeat the incumbent, Ralph Tyler Smith. As a U.S. senator, he became chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee.
In addition to chairing a Special Senate Committee on reorganizing the legislative body itself.
As the name might suggest, he was a key figure in creating the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act. Stevenson was also a driving force behind the International Banking Act and the Bayh-Dole Act.
In 1976, he nearly became future President Jimmy Carter's selection for vice president. Ultimately, that would go to Minnesota U.S. Senator Walter Mondale.
After having been re-elected to the Senate in 1974, Stevenson did not run for the seat in 1980. In 1982, he ran for governor of Illinois, losing to incumbent James R. Thompson. That time he ran as a Democrat. Four years later, he ran for office again.
But this time as a member of the Illinois Solidarity Party, which he himself had created. Once again, he lost to Thompson.
Was an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps
During the Korean War, Stevenson joined the U.S. Marines and deployed to serve in the war. Later on, he would retire from the military with the rank of captain.
Among them is Adlai IV, who became a prominent journalist. While stationed for training at Fort Knox, he met Nancy Anderson, who would later be his wife. They would have four children.