Already, two Democrats Julian Castro and Kirsten Gillibrand, have entered the field and Kamala Harris joins the list of hopefuls making a bid to become the 46th president of the USA. She is a Senator from California, comes from an immigrant family and selected Martin Luther King Jr. Day to launch her presidential campaign for 2020. Donald Trump will have to compete with new age Democrats who have women and minority candidates in their midst.

The Guardian reports Kamala is from a family of immigrants from India and Jamaica and a first-term senator. She is in her 50s and projects herself as a person who fights for justice, decency and equality. She looks at these as some values Americans cherish. She will formally launch her presidential campaign at a rally in Oakland, California where she was born.

The field is crowded

Kamala Harris will have to prove her mettle against other women contenders from the Democrat camp and some of them are stalwarts who are experienced campaigners. Kamala set the ball rolling through a book tour. Its purpose was to introduce herself to voters because she is relatively unknown.

One of the polls revealed more than 50 percent of “Democratic primary voters were unsure of, or had never heard of Harris.” She will have to correct that impression for a start. There are many tried and tested players in the arena like the former vice-president Joe Biden, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Los Angeles mayor, Eric Garcetti.

Among them, Kirsten Gillibrand has already announced her decision to contest and others could join the race.

During the 2018-midterm elections, Harris campaigned on behalf of several women and minority candidates. The Democratic Party will shortly embark on the months-long primary, which will focus on a wide range of traits for selecting the most suitable candidate who can pose a serious challenge to Donald Trump.

Kamala has certain positives

According to The Salt Lake Tribune, Kamala Harris takes the plunge in the 2020 presidential contest two years after she arrived in the Senate. She followed the trend set by the former Democratic president Barack Obama. He also launched his presidential campaign two years after joining the Senate. A section of Kamala’s supporters refer to her as "the female Barack Obama." Her campaign slogan is "For the People." She is a critic of President Donald Trump and played a prominent role in the #MeToo movement in Washington.