A new type of e-cigarette called the Juul has one Senator calling on the FDA for a ban. The Juul is said to look like an everyday item but packs quite a bit of nicotine into it. The fact that they're showing up more and more amongst middle and high schools has Sen. Charles Schumer asking federal agencies to do something about them.
What is the Juul?
The Juul is the newest type of e-cigarette that has appeared on the market. It's only two years old to be exact, but in that amount of time it has already grabbed about half of the market share, Truth Initiative says.
Not many people have heard of the e-cig, but now that it is showing up more and more in schools, it's opening eyes even more.
A Juul cartridge, or "pod," is said to be equal to a pack of cigarettes in terms of the nicotine it contains. That's 200 cigarette puffs per Juul pod. It comes in different flavors that are believed to be enticing kids even more. Those flavors include mint, mango, creme brûlée, and more. The fact that they have such appeal to children is the biggest problem, even though the Juul is said to be only for adults.
The Corner (@onthecornernow ): The New Yorker (@NewYorker ): Saying the word “Juul” in front of a group of young people with spending money is like dropping an everything bagel into a flock of pigeons in a public park: https://t.co/dNhYpvp162 … https://t.co/4RzZptKgKC pic.twitter.com/fnbeNBxBtm
— The Corner (@onthecornernow) May 16, 2018
The Juul is best described as "an e-cigarette system." The owner uses a vaporizer device that fits in their pocket and can hold swappable nicotine juice pods.
Those pods contain unique flavors, as well as nicotine. A Juul starter pack costs about $50 while a four-pack of cartridges goes for about $16 each. A Juul device user heats up a cartridge which has flavored oils inside that become vapor -- which quickly dissolves into the air.
Juul dangers & increased prevalence
The fact that Juuls look similar to a "thumb drive" that someone might use with a computer has made them tough to notice.
However, it has more schools educating parents about them by sending home letters to make them aware of the Juul. A report from WRVO Public media indicates that about 20 percent of middle and high schoolers in New York state are using some form of e-cigarettes.
While some people argue that they are much safer, they're also much more attractive to kids due to the types of flavors.
Juul challenge videos are popping up on YouTube, showing them off in a cool way to other kids.
Juul use is dangerous because of the fact that the flavor isn't the only thing kids are inhaling with the vapor, because there's also some nicotine. Also, while Juuls or e-cigs are said to be less toxic than traditional cigarettes, they can act as a gateway to smoking real cigarettes.
Truth Initiative cites a study from University of Pittsburgh schools of Health Sciences which claims that young adults using e-cigs are four times more likely to start smoking tobacco cigarettes than peers who don't vape.
What's being done about it?
U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York is attempting to lead the charge against the sale of certain e-cigarette flavors.
He has demanded that federal agencies, particularly the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), immediately ban certain e-cig flavors so that hopefully they can prevent adolescents from falling into future nicotine addiction.
Schumer presented a letter to the FDA asking for them to take action against the "kid-friendly" Juul pods. He cites the FDA and FTC previously issuing warning letters to retailers and distributors offering e-cig flavors that were marketed in a similar fashion to food products.
Why Juul, the Most Popular E-Cig on the Market, Is in Trouble - https://t.co/nISaklVt8R https://t.co/CQxRTfMYca pic.twitter.com/O4vRPXVltY
— Sen. Chuck Schumer (@SenatorCaveman) May 11, 2018
Basically, Schumer is targetting the flavors that look "cool" to kids.
They include "Vape Heads Sour Smurf Sauce," "Golden Oreo, Twirly Pop," and "V'Nilla Cookies & Milk." While Schumer said he applauds the warning letters that were sent out, he believes more needs to be done, including a ban on these products that attract kids.
Sen. Schumer believes that federal authorities can also use laws already in place to move swiftly against advertising aimed at kids. He said similar rules and regulations involving "regular cigarettes" have managed to work so he believes that the same can be done with e-cigs. If Schumer and those standing with him in the fight can get things in motion, it could be a chain reaction that helps reduce the epidemic of vape smoking's increased popularity.