Well, it’s official. Trump’s pick for Secretary of Veterans Affairs Admiral and Dr. Ronny jackson withdrew his name from consideration on Thursday morning (April 26). This was amid allegations of misconduct, excessive drinking while on the job, and mishandling of prescribed drugs. The allegations came just days before Dr. Jackson was scheduled to appear before Congress for his confirmation on Wednesday (April 25).

One of Congress’ concerns, since the President nominated Dr. Jackson, was his lack of experience with an agency as large as Veterans Affairs which serves over ten million veterans and over a quarter million employees nationwide.

But it wasn’t his lack of experience that halted the hearing, it was the allegations.

First set of allegations

CNN reported there were several allegations about the doctor handing out Ambien and Provigil to White House employees during overseas trips, and that he has earned the nickname “Candyman” because he freely gave out drugs, like Percocet

Other reports made to the Veterans Affairs Committee were that Dr. Jackson has a temper and speaks inappropriately to those of same or lower rank. In addition to those reports, others stated that the doctor left a going away party while intoxicated, got behind the wheel of a car and wrecked it. This particular claim has been denied by Jackson and no reports have been found relating to a car wreck and Ronny.

Some of these allegations were publicly brought to the forefront by Senator Jon Tester (D) of Montana who said over 20 people came forward with concerns serious enough to stop the pending hearing and investigate. Almost immediately, Jackson issued a public statement saying the allegations were completely "false and fabricated” but ultimately withdrew his name.

More allegations?

The vice president’s doctor tipped off the White House in September 2017 when she wrote three detailed memos stating her concerns about Dr. Jackson. CNN obtained copies of the memos in which Pence's doctor alleged Jackson violated the patients' privacy act, HIPPA.

The doctor specifically pointed to the wife of the Vice President, Karen Pence's medical issue that Ronny felt free to discuss.

When Pence's doctor pushed back on Jackson's disregard of HIPPA practices Jackson alluded to a misconception that disclosing White House patients' information was normal. It is not.

The good doctor also had two frightening confrontations with the former Veterans Affairs nominee. She described Ronny’s behavior as “aggressive and intimidating.” At one point the vice president’s doctor even considered resigning because the work-relationship had gotten so unpleasant, reported CNN.

The memos written by Pence's doctor were given to the Chiefs of Staff for both Trump and Pence. What happened after they were informed of Jackson's behavior is unclear. But what is clear, is that less than six months after the confrontations Trump nominated Ronny for a cabinet position.

No one expected Dr. Jackson's confirmation to not go through, but if he wasn't confirmed, it was expected he would return to his head-leadership role in the White House medical unit and as the president’s personal physician. At least, that’s what everyone thought, including Dr. Jackson.

The doctor won’t see you now

Since Jackson withdrew his name, was no longer being considered for the cabinet position, and someone was already appointed to replace him, he had no place to go. This is how he became the Deputy Assistant. Who or what he is assisting is unclear.

In an afternoon White House briefing on Tuesday (May 1), Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told the media that Jackson is still a naval doctor and on staff at the White House medical unit but not in the same role as before.

The reason provided was that the White House did not see the necessity of uprooting the acting doctor they had already assigned in Jackson's place.

Sources familiar with the Jackson fiasco told CNN, staffers feel bad for Ronny because he was well liked and they believe proper vetting was not done which resulted in Jackson being unprepared for the politics. Others believe that the White House was not ready to deal with accusations when they surfaced which is probably why the POTUS gave the doctor a way out by letting withdrawal be Jackson's decision.

Regardless the reason, it is simply too hard to put the proverbial cat back in the bag once it's out. It's even harder to repair one’s reputation in the face of so many allegations. Even if they hold the tiniest of truth or no truth at all.