United States President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron held face to face talks regarding the future of the Iran nuclear pact, signed into agreement in 2015. While talks were positive, no immediate decisions were made about the future of the deal -- according to Reuters.

Speaking to White House reporters, Macron told reporters that he and Trump discussed a "new deal" that would strengthen the already tough restrictions on Iran's nuclear program, by addressing Iran's recent military expansions and their ballistic missile program.

Publicly, no decisions have been made, but time is running out.

In a few short weeks, current U.S. sanctions against the Iranian regime are set to expire. Renewing or increasing those sanctions may lead to Iran pulling out of the deal completely.

Trump's concerns

The president has serious doubts about whether or not Iran has even lived up to their end of the deal up until now. Trump claims that the wait times with inspecting certain areas makes it easy for the Iranians to hide secret activity. He also believes that they are secretly working on ballistic missiles, which would be a violation of the current agreement.

Independent agencies through the United Nations have confirmed that as far as they can tell Iran has been forthright in adhering to the deal that was agreed upon with the Obama administration.

Another major concern has been the dwindling war in Syria. Iran has come to Syria's aid, along with Russia, and they have been reaping the spoils of victory since. The Iranian military has expanded greatly in the region, while also strengthening their regional ally Hezbollah in the process.

This led to numerous air strikes from Israel as the expanding armies have crept closer and closer to their border.

These crossing pieces have the ability to ignite a regional war that could drag the United States in.

What happens if the U.S. withdraws?

President Trump has until May 12 to make a decision to pull the United States out of the nuclear pact. The increasingly volatile situation in the Middle East has many worried that doing so could lead to confrontation with Tehran.

The current nuclear pact was aimed to ease economic restrictions on Iran, in exchange for curbing their nuclear program. The worst case scenario meant that if Iran was indeed building a secret nuclear weapons program, this would set them back 10 years.

It is not the most optimistic deal, but given that the alternative would be Iran's ability to build a bomb right now, it is better than nothing. Iran continues to claim to this day that their nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes.