On Thursday morning in Miami, Florida, a bridge collapsed causing at least once death and multiple injuries. In response, Donald Trump decided to give his thoughts on social media.

Trump on bridge collapse

In the early afternoon on Thursday, a pedestrian bridge at Florida International University in Miami, Florida collapsed.

At least eight cars were crushed as the bridge collapsed on top of them, with eight individuals being rushed to the hospital. In an effort to increase safety, the bridge's span was installed over the weekend, but faltered on Tuesday morning. The director of the Miami-Dade Police Department, Juan Perez, told the media that law enforcement were engaging in a lengthy "rescue mission" that was expected to take hours.

After the news broke that at least one person had been killed, Donald Trump decided to tweet out his thoughts on March 15.

"Continuing to monitor the heartbreaking Bridge Collapse at FIU - so tragic," Trump tweeted out. "Many brave First Responders rushed in to save lives," he continued. "Thank you for your courage. Praying this evening for all who are affected," Trump concluded. As expected, Trump's critics were not impressed with his response.

Twitter backlash

Just moments after sending out his tweet, Donald Trump faced backlash from those who oppose his presidency. "What about the bombs killing black people in Texas? Don't you have anything to say? Oh wait never mind. What do they have to lose," one tweet read.

"How are you feeling about the subpoenas by Mueller?

He’s following the money straight from you to Russia!" Bishop Talbert Swan tweeted out, while adding, "I already know your response Trump, 'no collusion!' Yeah, right!" "Vanessa Trump will send evidences to Mueller and send you to jail," another tweet added. "A prayer from you is a curse to any normal human being," a tweet read with sarcasm.

"Don’t pretend you give a cr*p!

You’re just using a tragedy to distract from the Mueller Investigation hope you liked your subpoena," a social media user stated. "You haven’t prayed a day in your life, phoney lying sack of dung!!!" an additional tweet read. As the negative reactions continued to pour in, it was clear that many who oppose Donald Trump and his entire administration weren't impressed nor convinced with his thoughts and prayers, and words of encouragement following the tragic bridge collapse in Miami, Florida.