Fidel Castro is a legend for the third world. He ruled Cuba with an iron fist for close to half a century. He died November 25, 2016. The Cuban dictator is again in the news because of his eldest son known as "Fidelito” or little Fidel. He is reported to have Committed Suicide at the age of 68. Fidelito looked very similar to his father and supported a similar beard. He was a nuclear scientist and had been given an important position by Raul Castro, younger brother of Fidel and the present president of Cuba.The Washington Post has given a detailed report on the death of the revolutionary's son.
Castro's son
Fidelito was the eldest son of Fidel from his first wife. He was sent to Cuba to meet his father by his mother, but Fidel never sent him back. It was alleged that Fidel Castro had kidnapped him. The boy at that time appeared on Cuban TV and with his American accent looked happy. Fidelito studied in the Soviet Union and was appointed by Castro as head of the Cuban atomic energy program With the collapse of the Soviet Union all dreams of a nuclear energy program also crashed and later the son fell out with his father. He went into oblivion for some time but resurfaced after Raul Castro became President.
Fidel Castro
Castro reportedly had almost ten children, but none of them entered the revolutionary field like their father.
Fidel has become almost a legend for the third world, and he defied the United States for more than half a century. The CIA under Kennedy attempted along with Cuban exiles to oust Castro with the famous Bay of Pigs invasion, but it failed. He was also center stage during the famous missile crisis of 1962. Khrushchev backed down at the last moment but extracted a commitment from Kennedy never to destabilize the Castro regime.
This saved Fidel Castro and allowed him to continue in power for half a century.
Death and depression
Castro's eldest son had gone into depression and was under treatment for many months. Details have not emerged as to the reason for his depression, but one wonders if it had something to do with the death of his father. The official communist party news service Granma has reported the death of the eldest son routinely.
No comment has come from Raul Castro.
Footnote in history
None of Fidel Castro's children are into any revolutionary role or in politics, and most of them are not in the limelight. Castro had always maintained that Cuba was not a monarchy. Raul Castro will step down as President in April,2018and he will create history with uninterrupted rule by the Castro brothers for six decades. Fidelito will, however, remain a footnote in history.