In its never-ending quest to reverse any and all Obama policies, the Trump administration has rescinded an enforcement policy which had been paving the way for legalized marijuana across the country. Only three days after California enacted their new legalization law, Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded the policy. Now, federal prosecutors will be able to make their own decisions regarding how hard they want to enforce existing marijuana legislation.

This includes enforcement in areas where it is now legal. A report by the Associated Press provided most of the information for this article.

Trampled on the will of voters

Republican Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado, where marijuana is now legal, immediately made his objection to the new plan known. A tweet from Gardner says that the Justice Department “has trampled on the will of voters.” He has vowed to take whatever steps are necessary to stop the new plan, including holding up confirmation of new justice department nominees.

The original policy, put into place by Obama's Justice Department, prevented law enforcement from obstructing legal marijuana sales.

Confusion is expected to reign as the new policy doesn't clarify how enforcement will be conducted in states where marijuana is now legal.

This change to policy came into effect after many new shops opened in California. California's market for legalized recreational marijuana is now one of the largest in the world. Given that a large majority of Americans support legalized marijuana, this is a surprising step.

Sessions compares marijuana to heroin

Sessions' views on legalizing marijuana are well known. He compares marijuana to heroin and feels it is the cause of an increase in violence. He is expected to increase enforcement against marijuana. Legalization supporters, on the other hand, have long argued that making marijuana legal makes the need for illegal sales unnecessary and will reduce crime and violence surrounding the drug.

The recent legalization of marijuana has grown to become a multi-million dollar industry, funding many government programs. Marijuana has been legalized for recreational use in eight states and in DC. It is expected that the California sales alone will bring in over $1 billion.

The new policy created by Sessions will allow individual US attorneys across the country to choose how to devote their resources, and what priority prosecuting marijuana will be in their areas.

To further muddy the waters, the policy does not indicate what effect this may have on states where marijuana is legal for medical purposes. It is unknown whether or not the policy would affect medical marijuana-related prosecutions.