BREAKING NEWS!! The cards are continuing to fall for the President's henchmen. In yet another twist, former Trump national advisor Michael Flynn has been formally charged, by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team, with "willing and knowingly making false, fictitious and fraudulent statements to the FBI." This charge is in relation to his comments in an interview where he spoke about United States sanctions on Russia.

This interview occurred in December 2016, also in attendance was the Russian ambassador, Sergei Kislyak.

Michael Flynn Opts for plea deal

This should come as no surprise to anyone watching the news recently. Earlier this week, ABC News reported that Flynn's legal teams were cooperating with the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 elections. Also, the President's son-in-law Jared Kushner attended a meeting with Robert Mueller and his Special counsel to discuss Flynn. It's unclear what was discussed exactly in relation to Flynn but from this Friday's revelation, it would appear it wasn't good.

According to sources, Lt. General Michael Flynn has reached a plea deal with the special counsel and is expected to plead guilty to the charges brought against him.

Robert Mueller released a formal statement explaining the extent of the charges. However, Mueller did not go into how Flynn and his team was cooperating with the council. He was set to appear in court at 10:30 am on Friday, December 1st. It is said that Flynn could face up to 5 years in prison for his charges. Now he's cooperating, it would be interesting to see what information Flynn supply in exchange for leniency.

Read this: Michael Flynn denied immunity, Flynn Jr. goes on Twitter rant about 'fake news'

This makes four

As the President continues to call the investigation a witch hunt, more of his former top-level campaign staff get charges brought up against them.

So far that's four if anyone else is keeping count. A few weeks ago the President's longtime buddy and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was also formally charged by Mueller's team. Also, charged was Rick Gates, the President's former campaign adviser along with former "low level" foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos.

Talk about irony, here's a video of Gen. Michael Flynn chanting "Lock Her Up!" and now he's the one being "Locked Up"

"Lock her up" has come to bite him in his behind. such a great day.....

My thoughts on the investigation so far...

Personally, this latest revelation has really solidified Russian involvement in our elections. The President has aligned himself with people that had intimate connections to Russian intelligence.

So far four of his top aides have now been exposed for lying and more may follow. The President wants to drain the swamp by hiring criminals. Why is anyone surprised Trump hire mostly criminals? The administration promised not to touch social security or Medicare & look what they are doing. Seniors better get ready for a smaller S.S. check soon!!

Tell us what you think....

What do you think should happen to Michael Flynn? Should Michael Flynn be given immunity? Tell us in the comments...