One of the biggest stories to end the year has been the ramifications of the bombshell report about the sexual misconduct allegations surrounding film producer Harvey Weinstein. With Weinstein being exposed, it's led to other high-profiled men being accused of similar actions, which has put the light back on claims made about Donald Trump.
Ryan on Trump
Just one month before Election Day in 2016, the now infamous "Access Hollywood" tape was released and revealed Donald Trump's private sexual thoughts about a married woman as he bragged about using his fame to touch women as he wished.
In the weeks that followed, a dozen women came forward to accuse the president of various acts of sexual misconduct, from aggressive flirting to as much as assault. As expected, Trump quickly denied the allegations against him and without enough proof being presented, the stories lost steam and he was able to bounce back from the controversy and win the election. Fast forward to present day and in the aftermath of the "Me Too" movement, Trump's accusers have returned to the spotlight and are calling on Congress to investigate their claims against the commander in chief. These issues were brought up during an uncomfortable interview with House Speaker Paul Ryan during the December 20 edition of "TODAY" on NBC.
(Ryan's comments on Trump's sexual misconduct claims)
Joining host Savannah Guthrie on Wednesday morning, Paul Ryan was grilled over a variety of issues, including the sexual misconduct claims made against Donald Trump about whether or not congress will comply and launch and investigation into the matter. "Well, as you know the, the, the, person in charge in that inves...that committee, Trey Gowdy, given a very particular response..." Ryan said, before claiming that Congress doesn't handle criminal matter. "But they do ethics investigations," Guthrie responded.
(Full interview in the video above)
"You know this very clearly," Paul Ryan said after having to clear his throat. "It happened in your industry and in your studio, it's happened here in Congress," Ryan added, in reference to the recent scandal surrounding Matt Lauer.
Accuser questions
Savannah Guthrie then pressed Paul Ryan on whether or not he thought the women accusing Donald Trump of sexual assault and harassment were telling the truth, and the House Speaker appeared to deflect. "I don’t even know what all of these accusations are," Ryan answered, while explaining that his job is to work by "fixing Congress." As of press time, it's unknown whether or not Congress will investigate the claims made against the commander in chief.