Virendra Sharma, an MP of Ealing Southall from Labour Party, tabled a parliamentary motion earlier this week seeking a formal apology from the British government for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre happened in 1991 when the British were ruling over India. Hundreds were killed, and more than thousand were wounded in the incident. So far, the motion has got eight signatories from different political parties including Labour, Conservatives, the Scottish National Party, the Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland.
According to Mr. Sharma: “It’s a historical amnesia that general people especially new generation should know about.
It hurt deeply at that time, and it hurts deeply now. Unfortunately, it’s missing in history books of this country.” The British have deleted the history and Indians have written many aspects of the incidence in their books every year, now the sentiments related to the event can be judged and justified. History can never be deleted at all.
Earlier responses on the historic incidence
Mr. Sharma, an Indian-origin MP has tabled the motion ahead of the 100th anniversary of the historic massacre in 2019. He has noted the former English PM, David Cameron’s remarks on the event as “deeply shameful event” on his tour to India in 2003.
The issue was highlighted earlier this year when an Indian member of parliament Shashi Tharoor traveled to the United Kingdom and delivered his lecture at Oxford on the proposition ‘Britain Owes Reparations to Her Former Colonies.' His book ‘An Era of Darkness: The British Empire In India’ has publicly hailed in the country.
At that time the opposition parties of India had also hailed the lecture and the book. The topic is widely discussed and termed as a black chapter of the Indian history.
The British intention
Should history be “history” only? It’s a big question for the time. If you remember that and try to compensate with the present, it will lead to a mass destruction of the world society.
This is because only 21 percent of people in Britain regret its colonial history, as found in a poll of 2016. We can’t say what will happen with the motion of Mr. Sharma, but the intention of the British people is clear from Liam Fox’s comments: “The UK is one of the few countries in the EU that does not need to bury its 20th-century history”. He is Britain’s Secretary of State for International Trade, was a prominent campaigner for Brexit.