Military officials on Saturday said one US Service Member died from injuries sustained in a Helicopter Crash, while six others were injured and are receiving treatment. The crash occurred in Logar Province, located south of afghanistan's capital of Kabul, according to NBC News reports.

In a statement released by the NATO-led coalition in Afghanistan, Operation Resolute Support, the helicopter crash was not a result of enemy fire.

The statement added that an investigation had been launched to establish the cause of the accident. The coalition added that all personnel involved in the crash had been accounted for, while the crash site was secured. Resolute commander, US General John Nicholson, expressed the NATO coalition's sadness at the loss of one of its service members. He also sent his condolences to the family but did not mention the service member's name.

Investigations launched

The Resolute Coalition statement said the investigation would reveal more facts about the crash, and details would be revealed at the appropriate time, as the probe continued.

Logar's provincial governor, Salim Saleh, told AP that the helicopter had attempted an emergency landing shortly after take-off, but crashed into a tree in the process. The military did not provide further details such as the make of the helicopter, or where it was heading to when the incident happened, but the statement mentioned that the crash occurred late on Friday.

False Taliban claim

According to the New York Times, the Taliban had earlier claimed responsibility for the crash early on Saturday, saying their fighters had shot down a US military helicopter. The group claimed the chopper was part of a commando operation with the Afghan military and was heading to Kharwar district, located in the province of Logar, where the operation was to take place.

The NATO coalition then released the statement a few hours later to set the record straight.

New Afghan strategy

The crash comes at a time when the US Government unveiled a new strategy on the war in Afghanistan, where attacks on the Taliban are to be increased. The Trump administration has also promised to send more trainers and advisers under the new strategy. The official number of US military personnel in Afghanistan is 9,000 but it is believed the number could be higher, up to 12,000. According to iCasualties, a website that keeps track of US war casualties, the latest crash claimed the 12th US service member in Afghanistan this year.