Forrest Gump once famously said that life is like a Box Of Chocolates – well, we’d better hope our lives are not like the box of Ferrero Rocher chocolate balls that this woman purchased. Rachael Vile of Bourbonnais, Illinois, recently headed to Facebook to share her terrible experience, posting videos and images of the chocolates, with each chocolatey ball being host to white maggots. Worst still, she had gone through half the box before finding the creepy crawlies.
Vile has sworn never to eat the fancy Ferrero Rocher chocolates again, pointing out the “best by” date was March 6, 2018, which is still a fair way off.
However she has since been contacted by the company about the issue.
Maggoty chocolates hit social media
Vile’s Facebook post has experienced almost 700,000 shares at the time of writing with a massive 110,000 comments. In the post she explains that she and her roommate had been enjoying the chocolates and had got half way through the box when her roommate spotted a maggot in a chocolate she was eating. She went on to take the foil off several more of the nutty chocolate balls, only to find maggots wriggling their way out of holes in the chocolate.
In one of the videos a woman can be heard saying there were literally worms in every single chocolate. The writer’s mother used to joke about “extra protein value” if insects were found in food, but finding maggots in every single chocolate in a luxury box is a bit much.
Comments on the Facebook page vary from disgust to sympathy, with some users calling the images fake. Many people commented that Ferrero Rocher were definitely no longer their favorite brand.
Strict quality controls and ‘proper storage’ for Ferrero Rocher chocolate
The New York Daily News quotes a Ferrero Rocher spokesperson as saying the company follows "strict quality control procedures" but did state their products require proper storage to "preserve their characteristics." Their statement went on to say there is specific advice printed on their product packaging on how to store their chocolates, as well as on the Ferrero Rocher website.
SEE IT: Woman opens box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates and finds maggots crawling inside
— Tids (@Tids_tweet) September 8, 2017
Chocolate company in touch with the consumer
However, Ferrero Rocher did add they take each consumer issue seriously and that they were already in contact with Vile in order to fully investigate the matter.
Vile also confirmed in an update on her Facebook post that the company had been in touch with her over the maggot-filled chocolates but didn’t mention the results of that contact. Whether she will receive a free truckload of chocolate is something she probably dreams about – sans maggots, of course.