Sean Spicer has already moved on to another job after his much-discussed days as White House Press Secretary. Spicer, who was the communications director of the Republican National Committee, will be heading the way most retiring legislators and politicians in Washington D.C. have after their career.

Spicer’s first post-White House job

According to Politico, Sean Spicer has signed a contract with Worldwide Speakers Group. The renowned speakers’ bureau will help Spicer secure speaking engagements across the world. The Worldwide Speakers Group hopes that Spicer’s “candor” will be able to impress audiences of different backgrounds.

In fact, the company has already booked the first Sean Spicer event. It will happen on Monday, September 11, during a conference of the investment bank Rodman & Renshaw, There has been no information yet as to how much Spicer will be paid for attending and speaking at these events.

Spicer is not the only former official from the Donald Trump team to sign with Worldwide Speakers Group. Former deputy campaign manager David Bossie also signed with them during the early months of the Donald Trump administration. Other talents in the firm include Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren, Obama-era communications director Jen Psaki and former House of Representatives speaker Newt Gingrich.

Making paid speeches is a lucrative industry, involving former lawmakers, influential thinkers, and businesspeople.

It will be likely that Spicer will make a majority of his earnings after his stint as the press secretary from these engagements. There are also plans for him to pitch a book proposal and a paid television gig.

Spicer’s record as White House Press Secretary

Sean Spicer had a very contentious relationship with the media during his time as in the White House.

He infamously claimed that the crowd during Donald Trump’s inauguration is bigger than it is.

Because of this, he was mocked extensively on various sketch shows including Melissa McCarthy’s wild portrayal of his press conferences on “Saturday Night Live." The trend "Spicer Facts" also ravaged Twitter and other social networking sites.

He resigned back in August after he protested the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci as the new White House communications director just as Donald Trump faced a chaotic two weeks after his health care proposal failed to get enough support in the Senate. His deputy, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, assumed the post after he left.