Oprah Winfrey managed to get a few voters from last year’s election together to discuss the current political climate for her first appearance as a special contributor for the CBS show 60 minutes.”

The 14 ordinary citizens, who were made up by 7 Trump supporters and 7 Trump critics, were put in a roundtable session to discuss how Donald Trump is governing America.

The session, conducted in West Michigan, was an attempt on the part of Oprah Winfrey to make sense of the political and cultural divide that has rocked the media landscape since Donald Trump announced he was running for the presidency back in 2015.

While the participants barely see each other eye to eye on issues, they all acknowledged that the Trump presidency has caused a lot of tension in many political circles.

Heated conversations

One of the most heated debates of the entire program was Trump’s response to the white supremacist violence that happened in Charlottesville, Virginia. Oprah Winfrey posed the question on whether there was any basis on the moral equivalence between the acts of the white supremacists who organized the rally and the far left activists who organized a counter-protest. The room was divided, with some saying that they are concerned a civil war will break out anytime.

Other concerns that were discussed in the roundtable discussion include the achievements Donald Trump has clinched since he took office, their thoughts on Hillary Clinton and her supporters, free speech, and his constant posting of tweets.

While the discussions proved to be heated, there is hope as Oprah Winfrey reported that the participants continued talking into dinner after the interview. Five of the participants also went with each other to a gun range so they can talk about their own stance on gun rights and regulation.

Oprah’s new venture

Titled “Divided,” it will only be the first of many segments Winfrey will be making on “60 Minutes.” Back in January, it was announced she would join the show as a contributor.

While it was not announced as to how long her role on the show will last, Oprah Winfrey will surely emerge as one of the stars of the long-running news magazine show.

When the deal was announced, Winfrey said she was excited about the partnership. She intends to “facilitate real conversations” and “bring relevant insight and perspective’ to the various issues the world is facing today.

As of now, Winfrey is busy running the Oprah Winfrey Network. She will also be seen in the movie “A Wrinkle in Time.”