With no hedge fund to run, no White House officials to curse, and no Oval Office leaks to plug, former Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci is reportedly considering creating a TV satire based on his experience in the White House. TMZ reported that a producer in Hollywood has approached him to consider making a sitcom series or feature to focus on the short 10-day stint of the former Wall Street financier as President Donald Trump’s bullhorn.
It has two temporary titles from which the producer is still deciding. These are “Attack of the Swamp Monsters” or “10 Days in July.” It would be a version of “Spin City” with the White House as the setting. The plot would be art imitating life because the show would have an outsider gaining power in DC which would not please longtime politicians.
10 successful days
Despite being ousted as communications director when John Kelly got the chief of staff job of Reince Priebus – whom Scaramucci had a publicized verbal war – Scaramucci considers his 10-day stint successful because he was able to catch the public attention during those days.
He is now claiming some of his potty mouth expletives against Priebus, whom he called a f***king schizophrenic, were just jokes.
He said that while legally, the call he made to New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza was on record, the spirit of the conversation was not, and Scaramucci insisted that Lizza was aware of it. He insisted that his family and Lizza’s were long-time friends since their fathers were both from the construction industry.
Lizza, however, has a different perspective. He clarified the Lizzas and Scaramuccis are not old family friends, but they knew each other. He only knew Scaramucci as the communications director of the White House and a mini version of President Donald Trump, The New York Post reported.
Scaramucci loses
While Scaramucci is far from the poor house, his dream of working for Trump was a costly one for the 52-year-old whose marriage to Deidre Ball, his 38-year-old second wife, crumbled when he sold the hedge fund and wiggled his way into the White House, in the process, causing Press Secretary Sean Spicer and Priebus to lose their jobs. Ball filed divorce proceedings against Scaramucci while she was pregnant with her second child with the ex-communications director. Last week, she gave birth to James.
The New York Post reported that if Scaramucci would not get another job in the White House within 60 days of the sale of his business, IRS rules said he must pay $16 million in taxes. He sold SkyBridge Capital for $80 million so he could comply with conflict-of-interest laws when he accepted the White House job.