Huffington Post contributor Logan Smith decided to take a stand against white supremacy by setting up a Twitter account designed to identify and expose participants in last weekend's violent rally in Charlottesville-- a highly-controversial practice known as "doxing."

Crowdfunding website Pantheon has decided to take a stand against online vigilante justice by suspending the YesYoureRacist user account after it was revealed earlier this week that a college professor from Arkansas received numerous threats after he was misidentified as a participant who marched in the rally at Lee Park.

Those who attempt to visit the YesYoureRacist fundraising page on Patreon are greeted with a message that reads, "This page has been removed for not complying with Patreon Community Guidelines. Read our Community Guidelines to learn more."

Patreon's community guidelines

Although Patreon has not yet released an official statement specifying which of its guidelines YesYoureRacist is guilty of violating, the site provides only four rules. The four practices that appear to be in violation of the rules are creating fake pages, uploading pornographic images, facilitating harmful or dangerous activity and bullying/harassment.

"Creators who violate these community guidelines may be banned from using Patreon," reads the Community Guidelines page. "Depending on the severity of the violation, a Creator may instead receive a strike on his or her account."

Since Patreon decided to penalize YesYoureRacist with a flat-out ban, it seems that the site's moderators were not at all pleased with the fact that the YesYoureRacist doxing campaign has resulted in the unintentional targeting of innocent people who happen to bear a passing resemblance to an alleged neo-Nazi or white supremacist.

Will Huffington Post hold Smith accountable?

Nonetheless, Logan Smith appears unapologetic about his crusade to "out" white supremacists-- even if it results in innocent people losing their jobs and receiving death threats.

During his recent interview with Brooke Baldwin of CNN, the subject of misidentification never came up.

Meanwhile, Kyle Quinn-- the University of Arkansas professor who was wrongly identified as a neo-Nazi-- reportedly had to flee his house and spend the weekend staying at the home of a colleague as a consequence.

Patreon is a crowdsourcing platform that allows "creators" to charge subscription fees to those wishing to access user-generated content. The San Francisco based crowdsourced funding platform was created in 2013 by Jack Conte, and Sam Yam and has become a popular fundraising tool for artists, musicians, video producers, and podcasters.