On Tuesday, U.S. President Donald trump insists on blaming both sides for the violent clash that characterized the Charlottesville protests last weekend. Trump once again equated the white supremacists' actions and those protesting against them. He appeared sympathetic for the fringe groups’ moves to protect and preserve the monumental Confederate status.

The president’s latest statement clearly wiped away the speech he made on Monday at the White House when he labeled members of the supremacists and neo-Nazis, KKK who participated in the violent protests as gangs of thugs and criminals.

Trump’s lack of directness

Trump's Tuesday comments have dashed the hope of his advisers who thought his previous remarks might quell the criticism from Democrats, Republicans and business leaders who were quick to condemn the president’s lack of directness on the Charlottesville violence.

The reaction was swift, even fellow GOP Senator Marco Rubio from Florida said the president was wrong for allowing white supremacists to share only part of the Blame. Also, Paul Ryan House Speaker tweeted that there shouldn’t be any moral ambiguity since white supremacy is repulsive.

David Duke, former leader of the Ku Klux Klan group welcomed the president’s comments when he tweeted and thanked Trump for his honesty and courageousness in saying the truth.

The Charlottesville violence

On Saturday, violence erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia following the rally by white nationalists, far-right extremists, and neo-Nazis, who gathered to demonstrate the decision by the Charlottesville city authority to remove a monumental Confederate status of Gen. Robert E. Lee. 32-year-old Heather Heyer was killed when a car plowed into the crowd of counter-protesters.

In response to the incidence, President Trump blamed many sides for the violence. After pressure by his aides, he delivered a more direct response on Monday by condemning the actions of the white supremacists. But on Tuesday, he reverted to his initial position blaming both sides. During an impromptu news briefing on Tuesday, Trump said there are two sides to every story.

Trump appeared to side with those who believe the monument of Lee should be maintained. The President equated Lee to some of the founding fathers of the nation who were also owners of slaves. The Confederate monuments are a rallying point between for those seeking their removal and those who want it preserved.

Trump’s response to the weekend clashes has raised new concerns among members of his party and even his core supporters.