In what seems to be a pivot from what he normally tweets about, President Donald Trump took to the social media platform around 4:35 p.m. praising the peaceful demonstrators in Boston Saturday, saying that sometimes protest needed to heal. However, Trump misspelled the word “heal” in the tweet – not once, but twice – typing “heel” instead.

A half hour later, Trump tried little success, although he did change "for decade" into "for decades."

Third time’s the charm, so they say, and finally, Trump got it right.

The internet roasts Trump again

After having punted his first two attempts, naturally, the internet began kicking jokes about the snafus. Twitter users posted screenshots of the original tweets as Trump was lampooned by the Twitter accounts of celebrities Jeffrey Wright, Billy Eichner, Stephen King, George Takei, and more.

Author Stephen King tweeted simply, "In his latest tweet, Trump commands America to heel."

Actor George Takei said in response, "You can teach a man to hate, or you can teach him to spell, but apparently not both."

Trump tweeted statements with various misspellings in the past.

J.K. Rowling mocked the president when he used “unpresidented” instead of “unprecedented,” and the jury’s still out on “covfefe.”

Merriam the troll

Merriam-Webster has been throwing all sorts of shade on the president and it is a sight to behold. Once again, the dictionary’s Twitter account didn’t let the opportunity pass and tweeted out a quick reminder on the word’s definition, of which includes a sick burn.

In May, Trump tweeted about the Justice Department’s appointment of special “councel,” and doing its job, Merriam-Webster quickly pointed out the blunder.

Thousands flood streets of Boston in rallies

Organized by the Boston Free Speech Coalition, the Free Speech rally started at noon on Boston Common and lasted for less than an hour. A right-wing group had planned to protest Saturday, but broke their rally prematurely as thousands over counter-protestors overwhelmed their event.

The competing demonstrations Saturday come one week after violence in Charlottesville, VA., which began with a protest over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue, where white supremacy and neo-Nazi groups clashed with left-wing counter-protesters.

Beyond the Boston rally and counter-march, protests are also expected on Saturday in Texas, with the Houston chapter of Black Lives Matter holding a rally to remove a "Spirit of the Confederacy" monument from a park and civil rights activists in Dallas planning a rally against white supremacy.