Vanessa O'Brien is a 52-year-old British American mountaineer who has reached the top of K2, the second highest mountain in the world. She is the first American woman Climbing this mountain. Vanessa O'Brien has already scaled Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. By profession, she was a former banker in New York.
According to resources, on 23 July a nine-member team of climbers from countries including Scotland, China, Norway, Pakistan, Nepal, and America left from Skardu in order to win K2.
On Friday, 28 July, the team reached the mountain's summit. Miss O'Brien was leading the team. She hoisted flags of both Pakistan and US on the mountain's peak.
Third attempt to climb K2
The Alpine Club of Pakistan said on Sunday that O'Brien reached the peak of the mountain on Saturday and she started climbing down the mountain on the same day.
In her Twitter account, she posted messages showing Pakistanis supported and loved her. Prior to going on K2, she addressed a news conference in Islamabad Pakistan sharing views that security arrangements in Pakistan are quite well. Moreover, she evoked founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and Jinnah was in favor of sports and he also said women were the greatest of all the powers on earth.
This is the third time she is trying climbing up the mountain. She attempted in 2015 and 2016 but unstable conditions and bad weather prevented her struggle.
K2 is one of the most dangerous climbs
Miss O'Brien commented about her experience of climbing mountains, ascending on K2 is more difficult than Mount Everest although Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Moreover, she said there are main places on mountains for rest but on K2 no such places are present, weather conditions are bad and snow avalanches are dangerous, therefore it is likely one out of every four climbers has a chance to die.
Situated on the Pakistan-Chinese border, K2 is the second highest mountain in the world and the highest peak in Pakistan.
It is also called Mount Godwin Austen or Chhogori. Its height is 8612 meters (2.8253 feet) and prominence 4017 meters. Located in Karakorum range, In 1852, British Surveyor T.G. named it K2, K stands for Karakorum range and 2 stands for second highest. It was first ascended in 1854 by the Italian expedition. The death rate climbing this mountain is very high, the fatality rate of 27%. According to American climber George Bell, K2 is "a Savage Mountain that tries to kill you."