Marked by obsessive thoughts and compulsions, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition that results in recurring behaviors like the washing of hands, using hand sanitizer, checking the iron or stove to see whether they are on or off, and checking door locks of cars or rooms repetitively. For instance, double-checking door locks on cars is normal, but people suffering from OCD may check 15 times to make sure they are really locked. Such quirks disturb the person's daily routine life. According to World Health Organization, OCD is included among top 20 of illness-related disabilities globally, for individuals between 15 and 44 years of age.
Causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of OCD
The exact reasons for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are unknown. Research has shown that it occurs in the part of the brain that deals judgment and planning. In addition, its symptoms are sometimes inherited. Also, a person is vulnerable to developing this illness if an infection caused by Streptococcus bacteria is left untreated and has recurred.
Certain environmental factors trigger the worsening of symptoms of this mental malady. These include relationship concerns, abuse, change in lifestyle, illness, the demise of a loved one and work or school-related problems.
Prognosis of OCD
There is no laboratory test for the detection of this sickness. A doctor identifies it on the basis of patient symptoms and recurring behaviours.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) symptoms feature obsession and compulsion which may vary from person to person. Common types of compulsions are
- An apprehension of being contaminated by germs.
- A fear or excessive misgivings, requiring reassurance.
- Panic of making mistake.
- Fear of evil thinking.
- Behaving in an odd way socially, in order to avoid embarrassment.
Common types of obsessions are
- Bathing, showering, cleaning and washing of hands.
- Checking door locks of cars or rooms, ensuring they are locked.
- Checking stove and iron to assure it is turned off.
- Hoarding or gathering of those things having no apparent value.
- Counting and arranging things with symmetry.
- Repeating words and phrases.
- Refusing to shake hands.
- Eating food in a particular manner.
How is it OCD cured?
Without medical treatment, it cannot be cured so it is essential to seek out medical treatment. Combining medication with behavioral therapy is the most effective way of treating this Mental illness.