Virginia has new state laws that became effective on Saturday, July 1, 2017. Of the 64 new laws, some affect how Virginians drive, the alcoholic beverages they drink and what they wear when they go hunting. Some of the laws will affect daily lives in major areas, the NBC reported.
Driving laws
Anyone driving too slowly in the left lane on Virginia highways could get a fine of $100. The fine is to discourage slow drivers from being in the left lane. The law was passed because it could cause road rage. Slow drivers can always use the right lane. The fine of $100 is much lower than it used to be.
Up until now, it was a fine of $250.
Another law is that drivers will no longer have their driver's license suspended for six months if convicted of possessing marijuana. They will still be punished but in a different way. From now on, they will be required to perform 50 hours of community service, but they get to keep their driver's license which used to be automatically revoked.
Alcohol laws
Virginia liquor stores can now sell grain alcohol up to 151 proof. Before the new law, the maximum proof was 101. The law includes the colorless and tasteless popular brand Everclear that was already being sold legally in other states. The popular brand is often used in cooking. The new law involves the 151 proof liquor that is clear.
Rum, vodka and other liquors above 151 could already be purchased in Virginia before the new law.
A separate law requires restaurants and other places with a liquor license that serve mixed drinks to also serve food up to 30 minutes before closing.
Another law allows for commercial lifestyle centers to let people carry drinks around with them while they walk around or sit in an area nearby.
For instance, they can carry drinks around with them while at Short Pump Town Center or Stony Point Fashion Park. In other words, a person can drink while they shop at commercial lifestyle centers located on at least 25 acres of land.
For hunters
The color that hunters can wear changed from blaze orange to blaze pink. Hunters have a choice of wearing either color.
The new law was put into effect to entice more women to hunt.
School bullying
A new law has gone into effect stating that parents must be notified by the school if their child is involved in a suspected incident of bullying within five school days of the alleged bullying incident.
Dogs and cats
Dogs and cats owners will love this new law. They can purchase a lifetime license for their canines and felines that will cost no more than $50. Also, the fee for a duplicate dog or cat tag is only $1.
There are other Virginia laws that residents should be aware of. Some of the other laws are about life insurance policies during a divorce, laser hair removal, and female genital mutilations.