According to the Humane Society of the United States, the Chelsea Kennel Club is not only selling sick animals to unsuspecting customers but is also mistreating the puppies in their care. One New Yorker recently bought an English bulldog puppy from the shop, which now requires surgery costing $10,000.

Humane Society runs undercover investigation of puppy shop

The Humane Society opened up on Tuesday about its undercover investigation into the Chelsea Kennel Club, where they discovered ailing dogs were being sold and staff members were abusing the puppies.

They recorded video footage of a staffer at the store smacking puppies that were crying and banging on the cages.

The Chelsea Kennel Club claims on its website that all their puppies are “healthy, loved and lovable,” and that they offer a “superior health guarantee.” However, the video footage also revealed puppies that were limping, shaking and had mucus in their eyes, as well as an example of bloody feces.

The video footage is included here, but viewers are warned it could be upsetting to sensitive viewers.

The animal welfare investigation revealed sick puppies in an isolation room at the store, many of which were suffering from painful infections, bloody diarrhea, breathing issues and high fevers.

According to the investigation, some dogs were sold once they had been treated by staff for more than $4,000 without telling the new owner of their past history. The Humane Society also found the shop was shipping in puppies from states known for their puppy farms.

CBS New York quotes John Goodwin of the Humane Society as saying the cause of the sick puppies was “pure neglect.” He said instead of taking the puppies to a vet when they required urgent medical care, staff members would give the animals Robitussin or aspirin – even bird antibiotics.

English bulldog puppy requires expensive heart surgery

Brianna Bryan, 22, of Manhattan bought an English bulldog puppy at the store and says her eight-month-old puppy now requires heart surgery.

She paid $3,200 for the puppy on Saturday at the Chelsea Kennel Club and took the dog, which she has named Lilly, to a vet on Tuesday. The vet established the pup was suffering from a severe heart murmur.

While joining a protest outside the Chelsea store on Thursday, Bryan said the vet told her it’s heart surgery or the puppy could die, adding that the treatment could cost $10,000 or even more. Bryan said she watched the video made by the Humane Society and saw her new English bulldog puppy in the footage. She claims when she got Lilly home, the dog’s ribs were showing and all she wanted was food.

Owner of Chelsea Kennel Club denies animal abuse claims

Dana Derragh, the owner of Chelsea Kennel Club denied the claims of animal abuse to the New York Daily News, saying she is an animal lover and a vegetarian and would never abuse animals.

Derragh also continues to deny selling sick puppies in the store and says she is considering launching a lawsuit against the Humane Society. Speaking of one of their members who had acted as a secret shopper, purchasing one of the sick pups, she said the woman entered the store under false pretenses. She said, yes, there were sick puppies in the isolation room, but that is what it is for.

When asked about Bryan’s puppy, Derragh said the animal had received a clean bill of health when sold on Saturday. She went on to offer to pay for a specialist but apparently didn’t like the idea of paying $10,000 for heart surgery.

Speaking of the around 50 protesters outside her Chelsea store, which included Bryan, she called them “crazy,” adding that they had too much time on their hands. She went on to complain that she had received death threats and that someone had spat on one of her staff members.