"Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski responded to President Donald Trump's tweet about her. She told Vanity Fair that he tweeted some private information that she kind of wanted to keep to herself. Now, that he opened that can of worms about her facelift, she wanted to address his mean attack against her and her MSNBC co-host Joe Scarborough.
The mean tweet
Instead of handling business surrounding the nation, President Donald Trump tweeted negative comments about Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough on Thursday. The co-hosts addressed the tweet on their early morning talk show on Friday.
They alleged that Trump had tried to blackmail them about their negative coverage of his administration.
Scarborough said the Trump they know today is not the same person they used to know 10-12 years ago. They alleged he has changed even in the last year. They don't believe he would have tweeted something like that years ago when he was his other self.
The tweet he sent has been read all over the world by men, women, children and even by world leaders who need to be able to trust him with deals for their countries. That tweet, like his others, will become part of his political and private legacy. When young people study him in books years from now, they will see that as part of his history.
Mika Brzezinski's response
When Mika was shown the tweet by Willie Geist, she couldn't believe what she was reading. She didn't believe the President of the United States would stoop that low to talk about a woman's facelift and lied about her bleeding. Mika admitted she did have a facelift to correct her turkey neck. She also admitted that she told Melania Trump about the procedure in the president's company when she and Joe stopped by Mar-a-Lago on New Year's Eve.
She said the president commented on how good it looked and asked a lot of questions about the surgeon who performed the procedure.
Brzezinski is on the list of other women who have been degraded by Donald Trump. Other high-profile women include Megyn Kelly and Carly Fiorina. It is unfortunate that Trump's tweet received so much airtime on Friday that could have been devoted to other news that's going on around the country.
The co-hosts postponed a planned holiday vacation to address Trump's tweet.
Republicans and Democrats frowned on what Trump said and posted their own tweets about it. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan shared his disapproval and called for more civility. Many concluded that what Trump did was beneath the office that he holds as President of the United States. Scarborough summed up his concern by saying, “We’re O.K. The country’s not."