She hasn’t officially announced it yet, but reliable sources have confirmed that Senator Kamala Harris will face Donald Trump in 2020. Harris has already met with several Democratic donors, who will fund the 2020 elections. If Kamala Harris wins, not only would she be the first female president of the United States, but she’d also be the first ethnic woman to win the presidency.

From attorney to senator

Kamala Harris is the senator of California. She was born in 1964 to an African American father and a South Indian mother. Harris served as the 32nd Attorney General of California.

Last year, she defeated Loretta Sanchez in the Senate election, where she replaced Barbara Boxer, the outgoing Democratic senator.

Harris has hired Clinton staff

According to sources who spoke to Hill, 53-year-old Harris is definitely running for President. A Clinton donor, who attended the Hamptons gathering recently, told the news agency that “Harris is absolutely going to Run.” The smart senator has hired former Clinton aides like Sergio Gonzales and Lily Adams, who is currently serving as her policy adviser and communications director, respectively. Zev Karlin-Neuman, a former White House speech writer during the Obama administration, is now working for Harris.

Joy Reid, who hosts 'AM JOY' MSNBC, conducted a Twitter poll to see if people thought Kamala Harris was a viable candidate for president in 2020.

About 61% of the voters agreed that she is. #Kamala2020 #Harris2020 #FlyKamala are already trending on Twitter.

Her brand strategy

According to reports, Harris is a client of Revolution LLC, the digital advertising agency that ran the online campaign for Bernie Sanders.

This year, Harris has disbursed more than $400,000 of her campaign funds to the digital ad agency.

Harris vs. Trump

Right from the start, Kamala Harris has shown strong opposition to Trump’s policies. She was tough during the Russia probe. In June, Harris started trending on social media when she grilled Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing about possible Russian interference in the 2016 U.S election.

Apparently, Sessions admitted that Harris was making him “nervous.”

A crusader for many causes, Harris, on her website, says she promises to fight for middle-class families “who are feeling the pinch of stagnant wages and diminishing opportunity.”

“I will be a fighter for our children who deserve a world-class education, and for students burdened by predatory lenders and skyrocketing tuition. And I will fight relentlessly to protect our coast, our immigrant communities, and our seniors,” she said.