After a three hour interview with members of the Senate intelligence committee in Washington, the Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner made a public announcement re-stating that he “did not collude with Russia” and is unaware of anyone else that did so during President Trump's campaign. Kushner has been under scrutiny in recent months due to a handful of meetings held with Russian officials in the lead up to the election, alleging that they were done to gain intel that could improve Trump's chances of winning.

Today, Kushner provided a response and documentation to attempt to resolve any inconsistencies

“The records and documents I have voluntarily provided will show that all of my actions were proper and occurred in a normal course of events of a very unique campaign,” explained the Senior Adviser to President Trump.

The inquiry focused on four meetings held with Russian officials while still on the campaign trail. Prior to the interview, Kushner and his team released an 11-page statement to provide an explanation of why these discussions took place.

One such meeting took place at Trump Tower in December 2016, when Kushner held discussions with the Russian Ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. Reports suggested that the two officials were interested in setting up a "secret back-channel" to transfer information from Russia to the U.S.

In an attempt to clear up any misconceptions, the Senior Adviser recalled talks which were held to discuss the possibility of setting up a secure line of communications to discuss policies in Syria between the two countries. Kushner added that after a solution using an already established communication channel was rejected by the Ambassador, discussions were concluded and “nothing else occurred."

What about the foreign contacts and the security clearance form?

The former CEO of Kushner Companies also responded to recent criticism about an incomplete security clearance form.

Kushner's original list declared that no foreign contacts were made during Trump's campaign, while the updated version included more than 100 officials.

Laying the blame at the feet of his assistant, the former publisher of the Observer then explained that it was a simple clerical error and that it was submitted before being completed. Once realizing the mistake that was made, contact was made with the FBI to arrange the records accordingly.