United States President Donald Trump is all set to appoint a new attorney to tailor the Trump administration's responses to everything related to the investigation into Russian interference into the Presidential election last year. According to a report in the Washington Post, the Trump Administration is going to hire a former defense lawyer to take care of all responses in relation to the investigation.

A necessary step

Over the past few months, the Trump administration's responses to issues arising out of the investigation into the Russian interference and any possibility of Trump camp's collusion with Kremlin has been a bit confused. Hence, the Trump administration has chosen to recruit Hogan Lovells defense lawyer and well-known prosecutor, Ty Cobb, to look after the White House's response to everything related to the ongoing investigation.

The White House has found it hard to contain the media storm created by regular revelations about the Trump campaign's alleged links to Russia. As a consequence, the hiring of Ty Cobb looks like a necessary step.

A legal hawk like Cobb will add the much-needed discipline and structure to the White House's response to new revelations that tumble forth in the days to come. In a nutshell, he will be working as a crisis manager and craft responses that will ensure that the President is not caught on the wrong foot again. The President had earlier called the investigation a 'witch hunt'.

Now more than ever

The revelations in relation to the Russian investigation have come thick and fast and the Trump administrations responses have been anything but consistent. The fact that the President's son in law and close aide Jared Kushner is under investigation was leaked to the media, but the response from the White House was tepid at best.

The President might have called it a "witch hunt," but that cannot be regarded as a serious rebuttal.

However, last week, the whole thing descended into a major controversy following Donald Trump Jr.'s revelation that he had met with a Russian lawyer in order to acquire damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Yesterday, it emerged that the meeting had been attended by a former Russian counterintelligence officer and the Trump campaign's link to Russia suddenly looked far more than just a stray allegation. The appointment of Cobb seems like a concerted effort on the part of the President's advisors at damage control and only time will tell, how effective that would prove to be.