Did jared kushner mean to expose Donald Trump, Jr.'s meeting with a Russian attorney in order to get dirt on Hillary Clinton? One report calculates that it's possible given the fact the president's son-in-law and senior adviser had the emails, was copied in the correspondence, and was in the actual meeting at Trump Tower. Kushner's lawyers discovered the emails and it was apparent that the news was going to break about the meetings.
Why it's conceivable
According to Daily Mail, it's entirely conceivable that Jared Kushner leaked the information given the timing of it all. Kushner updated his security disclosure form on June 21 due to what his lawyers uncovered. It was revealed that his legal team had informed Trump's personal attorney and the lawyer for the Trump organization nearly a month ago about the explosive emails.
According to the report, Jared Kushner may have exposed Don, Jr.'s communication with the Russian lawyer because he's taking the low road in transferring focus on the president's son instead of himself. He's already under scrutiny for his business negotiations and the allegations that he wanted to develop a secret channel for Russian officials to communicate with members of the Trump campaign.
If Jared Kushner intended to throw his brother-in-law under the bus, it got the attention off him for a solid week as Don, Jr. went on Fox News' "Hannity" to defend himself, but to lie by not disclosing who all attended the meeting in question. It was also discovered that a member of the Russian intel was present at the covert meeting.
Past family loyalty betrayed
While loyalty is vital to the Trump family, Jared Kushner's family past tells a different story. When his father, Charles Kushner, was under investigation for fraudulent campaign contributions, his brother-in-law worked with federal agents. Charles retaliated by paying a prostitute to lure his brother-in-law into bed and had the session taped.
The recording was sent to the man's wife, Esther, who's Charles' sister. His motive was to prevent Esther from giving testimony in a family civil suit. In the end, Jared's father was sentenced for witness tampering.
News connections utilized?
Does all of this mean that family loyalty means little to Jared and coming out on top is the most important? Daily Mail goes on to reason that the leaks on Donald Trump, Jr. have gone to three main news sources that Kushner has strong links to -- the New York Times, the Washington Post, and NBC. He has friends in high places and once owned a newspaper in New York City. Politico reported on Friday that he's irritated with TV news coverage and wants two White House staffers designated for complaining about cable news channel chyrons.
The big question is, did Jared make a deal with the three papers to be easier on him in their reports in exchange for the leaks?
There's been no evidence of Jared Kushner exposing Don, Jr. It's all speculations on the part of the reports as contributors look for various article spins.