Despicable Me 3 currently has the biggest opening weekend of any animated film released this year. This third installment surpasses Pixar’s “Cars 3," which was released three weeks ago, after earning $83.4 Million dollars on its opening weekend. Following “DM3” is Edgar Wright’s action filled movie Baby Driver,” which also earned $6M on Friday.

These figures are nearly identical to “Despicable Me 2,” with a gross margin of $83.5 Million back on July 4, 2013. This is quite the manifestation that the hit animated film might be just as good as its predecessor installment and ultimately better than the original.

'Despicable Me 3' success

The hit animated film opened on Friday with a whopping $29 Million from over 4,529 locations. These figures included $4.1 Million revenue on its Thursday night previews. Aside from being the number 1 among animated films released in 2017, it is currently in 6th place for top grossing film in 2017 in the opening weeks.

The fourth installment of the “Despicable Me” series still follows Gru and his army of adorable minions. This time Gru is married to his fling in “DM2,” Lucy, who is also in need of a new career after the were expelled from the ranks of their anti-villain organization.

“Despicable Me 3” still features the voices of Steve Carell, Kristen Wig, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrov, Will Arnett, Julie Andrews, and Trey Parker.

Directing the third installment are Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda, co-directed by Eric Guillon, and produced by director turned producer Chris Renaud.

'Baby Driver' places second in box office

Sony studios have finally made a very positive result in their domestic earnings with Edgar Wright’s “Baby Driver.” The film has successfully placed 2nd in the Box Office after "Despicable Me 3" as highest grossing on its opening weekend.

Baby Driver” stars “TFIOS” leading man Ansel Elgort together with Jamie Fox, Lily James, and Kevin Spacey. The story follows Baby, (Ansel Elgort) who likes to make mix tapes and is partially deaf. He just happened to be a fantastic getaway driver for criminals because he is trying to work on a debt that he has with Kevin Spacey’s character.

The story would just be plain and Baby is successful in every pursuit until Baby meets a girl. Then problems start to arise until the story hits the denouement. Fans greatly admire this Edgar Wright film, from its script, to its editing, to its musical score. No wonder it had a great reception on its opening week.