The story of Jane Sanders, the wife of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, a former presidential candidate, who is under FBI investigation for bank fraud keeps getting worse. Judicial Watch claims that it has obtained documents that prove that Ms. Sanders tried to evict the residents of a Group Home for disabled people. The evidence includes emails between Ms. Sanders and two mayors of Burlington, Vermont.
What is the background of the story?
To recap part of the wider story, Jane Sanders arranged for a $10 million loan when she was president of a small, liberal arts school called Burlington College.
The loan was to purchase a tract of land owned by the Catholic Church for the purpose of creating a new campus.
Ms. Sanders is accused of committing Bank Fraud by overstating the funding level of the college to the tune of $2 million, Sen. Sanders is alleged to have used his political influence for the bank to approve the loan. Both have denied the allegations. However, Jane Sanders was fired by the college, albeit with a generous severance package, the following year. Burlington College recently went under as a result of not being able to pay back the loan.
How does the group home enter into the situation?
The Catholic Church ran a group home for disabled people on the property that it sold to Burlington College.
One of the provisions of the sale was that Ms. Sanders was supposed to find a new facility for the residents of the group home.
Instead, Ms. Sanders tried to evict the 16 inhabitants of the group home into the street rather than carry out her contractual obligation to find them a new home before the college took possession of the property.
A letter Jane Sanders wrote to a lawyer representing the group home reveals her frustration at not being able to evict its residents.
Bernie Sanders has a big political problem
Besides the prospect of going to jail, Bernie and Jane Sanders has a political issue. Sen. Sanders is up for re-election is 2018 for his Senate seat in Vermont.
He already lost a presidential election at the hands of Hillary Clinton, due in no small part to nefarious political manipulation. Having the issue of bank fraud and attacking disabled people over his head are things he does not need right now.
Sanders has the advantage that he may not draw an effective opponent. The Republican Party is all but moribund in Vermont, and the Democrats may be loath to mount a challenge against a man for whom half of the party regards as their leader.