For the first time in almost 30 years, Iran launched a missile strike at targets outside the country. Several missiles were launched by the Iranian military targeting ISIS forces in Syria. The incident sparked concern with U.S. led coalition as they attempt to retake Raqqa.

Who requested missile strikes from Iran?

As of the moment, there are no reports if Assad's government requested such a strike.

However, according to Iranian news agencies, the government's revolutionary guard said that the missile strike is in retaliation of the recent ISIS attack in Tehran that killed thirteen people and wounded fifty. The guards threatened ISIS that the spilling of pure (Iranian) blood will not go unanswered.

The missiles were launched from the Western province of Iran and hit targets in the Deir Az Zor province in Syria. There are no available reports as to how many missiles were launched but it was enough to dislodge ISIS insurgents that have been entrenched in that highly strategic area. It is not certain whether more missile strikes are to be expected, but Iran's move highly complicates the intertwined political mess that is happening in Syria.

What is the reaction of the United States and the coalition?

The Iranian missile strike is a cause for concern because Iran violated Iraq air space as the missiles flew over the Iraqi desert and into Syria. Added to this is the fact that the missiles landed near the location of the ongoing attack in Raqqa and the U.S. coalition base in Al-Tanf. According to military analysts, the United States will have to face the forces of Assad, Russia and Iran to maintain a hold of the area in Al-Tanf after ISIS is destroyed.

The United States have already downed two Syrian aircraft in June and also inflicted casualties on both Syrian and Iranian soldiers last month. Russia is the only nation that essentially keeps Syria and Iran from attacking the U.S.

coalition in Syria. However, any mishap that will occur between U.S. forces and Russia will have dire consequences, one of which is the declaration of all out war between the two major superpowers in modern times.

It is still unsure how the United States will come out victorious in this war against ISIS in Syria. U.S. President Donald Trump promised his voters that he will not get entangled in Middle Eastern politics, but as time moves forward, it seems that even Trump can't ease the country away from meddling in other nation's affairs. The Syrian crisis continues on and it may lead only to one eventuality, another world war.