Former FBI Director James Comey finally appeared in Congress on Thursday to give his testimony in regards to Russia and his meetings with Donald Trump. While the president has been surprisingly quiet on social media, it didn't stop his son from lashing out on Twitter.

Donald Jr. on Comey

After the election of Donald Trump last November, questions of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election continued to be raised.

Despite the former host of "The Apprentice" and his administration denying any wrongdoing and collusion with the Kremlin, various reports have disputed their defense. In addition to well-respected news outlets like the Washington Post and New York Times breaking stories pertaining to Trump's alleged ties to Russia, over a dozen government agencies have all concluded that the Kremlin not only hacked the election, but did so in favor of Trump's campaign. Last month the president came under fire once again after firing James Comey as director of the FBI, who at the time was leading the investigation into Russian interference in the election.

On Thursday, Comey gave his long-awaited testimony in Congress to explain his side of the investigation, as well as his interactions with Trump prior to his termination. Though the president hasn't tweeted on the issue, his son Donald Trump Jr. decided to fire back with is own tweetstorm on June 8.

Taking to his Twitter account prior and during the James Comey testimony in Congress, Donald Trump Jr. decided to give his thoughts on his social media feed. "Kind of a big deal... No?" Donald Jr. tweeted out in reference to the news that his father didn't personally asked Comey to end the ongoing investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

"Flynn stuff is BS in context 2 guys talking about a guy they both know well," he tweeted, before adding, "I hear 'I hope nothing happens but you have to do your job' Very far from any kind of coercion or influence and certainly not obstruction!" "Hoping and telling are two very different things, you would think that a guy like Comey would know that," the younger Trump went on to write.

Doubling down

"So if he was a 'Stronger guy' he might have actually followed procedure & the law? You were the director of the FBI, who are you kidding?" Donald Trump Jr. stated. "We all know that there is no way anyone in the swamp would leak something favorable to #potus. Otherwise this whopper would be everywhere!" he later added.

Responding to James Comey's remarks that he had a friend leak information to the press about his conversation with the president, Donald Jr. tweeted, "Did I miss something or did Comey just say he asked a friend to leak information to the press? Is this a joke?"

Moving forward

Donald Trump Jr. continued to tweet throughout the testimony, as it appeared he was willing to take over for his father who was reportedly watching what was taking place with his lawyer by his side. It's unknown what the president thought about James Comey's remarks, but it's expected he will make his views public sooner rather than later.