As the Korean crisis continue to worsen, the United States and China are going head to head in stacking up arms in East Asia. Analysts predict that the "cold war" style Arms Race will deal a severe blow on the economies of countries in Asia. The world now holds its breath as the two major superpowers today start an arms race in the middle of a highly volatile Korean crisis.

How will the Chinese arms race destabilize nations in East Asia?

Aside from the current issue with North Korea's nuclear ambition, one of the major spark points in Asia is the issue china has with Taiwan. After the second world war, Taiwan broke off with Communist China and tried to exist as a sovereign country. However, China didn't manage to absorb China because the United States stepped in and prevented a Communist takeover of Taiwan. This caused a major breakdown of the relationship between the US and China throughout the cold war and it is still felt today.

China continues to regard Taiwan as a renegade province, and this causes tension as the United States treats Taiwan as a separate state.

Though the issue over the control of Taiwan is overshadowed by the Korean crisis, Chinese sentiment over the eventual reunification of Mainland China and Taiwan is still very strong. The arms build-up of both countries will affect countries in East Asia as investors and businesses will grow weary of the tension and limit their trade with these countries.

What will the United States do to prevent destabilizing the area, while still continue to bolster its presence?

The United States have provided Taiwan constant military aid to protect it from a sudden Chinese takeover. Though no US troops are stationed in Taiwan, there are thousands of personnel present in South Korea and Japan, which can quickly respond to a Chinese invasion.

This immense American presence is perceived as a threat to Chinese interests in the area. Unfortunately, the continued presence of the United States in the area will not be able to prevent a future destabilization, unless China breaks down, which is unlikely.

This is because alongside China's arms build-up is its economic expansion program called the "belt and road" initiative. China plans on uniting all of the major countries in Asia through this undertaking that promises boosts in trade and productivity. If China plays its cards right and bends its communist ideas to reap capitalist gains, the destabilization fear may not come for China and its allies. Instead, America's influence in China's sphere of influence will instead be "destabilized," to the point that US armed presence is eventually kicked out of Asia.