A “Star Wars Day” celebration led to a major security alert at the Ashwaubenon High School in Green Bay, Wisconsin on Thursday. Police swooped on the school after they had received a call from someone who had spotted someone entering the school building via a back door, wearing a “Star Wars” Stormtrooper costume while carrying a tote bag.

Emergency evacuation and lock down of Wisconsin school

The force definitely wasn’t with students at Ashwaubenon High School after armed police stormed the school grounds in a major security alert. The Ashwaubenon Police Department sent an emergency response unit after someone called to report an unknown person wearing a mask entering the school.

The unit executed a rehearsed evacuation and lockdown of the high school.

It was only later that police realized students at the school were celebrating “Star Wars Day”, or as it is more popularly known, "May The 4th Be With You Day." However, a police officer named only as Eric told Fox 11 that officials can’t take any possible threats lightly. The officer went on to say should anyone spot an unknown person heading into a school while wearing a mask, it is necessary to take action.

Stormtrooper costume made the student look suspicious

The police officer said the student in question was wearing a Stormtrooper costume with a mask over his face and that the costume gave the impression it could also possibly be a bullet-proof vest.

The student was also carrying a bag. Eric continued by saying students at the school might learn something from the incident about being careful these days, adding that police have to take this kind of incident seriously. He continued by saying he was impressed with the officers’ response to the emergency call and that after the area had been cleared, the students were able to get back to class.

Student thought nothing of the Stormtrooper costume

Chase Coleman, a junior at the school told Fox 11 that he saw the student dressed as a “Star WarsStormtrooper on Thursday and took video footage on his phone. He said he didn’t think anything of it. The student in the costume was walking along a sidewalk towards his school.

However, the school district lauded the person who had made the 911 call, saying it was the right thing to do. In a statement released by the Ashwaubenon School District, they said there was no real threat at the school that day. The statement went on to explain that it was all a misunderstanding after a student had worn a “Star Wars” Stormtrooper costume to celebrate “May The 4th Be With You Day.” No threat to students was intended, but reportedly will still be held accountable for his actions.

The school district statement continued by saying they appreciate it when anyone reports anything that looks suspicious.

The statement also noted that their Crisis Plan, run in conjunction with Ashwaubenon Public Safety, had turned out to work well.

However, Brian Nelsen, the school principal, stressed that costumes are not allowed at the school and are against school policy. He said the student had made a mistake, but they will make this into a “learning lesson.” Nelsen said he will be meeting with students to re-emphasize the fact that everyone has to keep each other safe.

Annual 'Star Wars Day' event

The popular “Star Wars Day” is held every year on May 4. It is affectionately known as “May The 4th Be With You,” as a play on the phrase “May the Force be with you” used in the films. Fans are encouraged to dress up as their favorite characters as they head to school, college or work.

However, maybe said fans should carry their masks under their arms in future.

The International Business Times had quoted the costume as being that of Darth Vader. Ashwaubenon Public Safety had erroneously named the costume as being that of Darth Vader (possibly they aren't "Star Wars" fans), but the media was later updated to report it as a "Stormtrooper costume."