North Korea said the cause of all the problems in the Korean Peninsula is the hostile American policy towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). Any talks with the U.S. must first be preceded by Washington rolling back the hostile policy, Kim In Ryong, the deputy UN ambassador of North Korea, said.
He said that both countries have gestured towards a dialogue.
However, what is more important than the willingness to talk is action, not words. At the same time, he defended on Friday the DPRK’s promise to develop a missile mounted with a nuclear warhead. A weapon like that capable of striking mainland United States is needed to counter American aggression, the envoy said, Reuters reported.
Success after nine failed tries
On Sunday, May 14, Pyongyang finally succeeded in launching a long-range strategic missile after nine failed attempts. Following the event, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said the country would hold more missile and nuclear tests.
Two days before the successful attempt, another North Korean official said the communist country is willing to dialogue with the U.S.
under the right conditions. Kim In Ryong just defined what the right condition is. A week before Choe Son Hui, Director General for U.S. Affairs of the North Korea Foreign Ministry, said Pyongyang is open to talks, U.S. President Donald Trump also expressed willingness to dialogue with Kim Jong-un under the right circumstances.
Patent to produce sodium cyanide
In turn, Washington’s condition for a dialogue if the for DPRK to stop all its illegal activities and aggressive behavior in the Korean peninsula. Amid a threat from Pyongyang to have a sixth nuclear test, emboldened by the success it had on Sunday, North Korea submitted to the World Intellectual Property Organization a patent even if it the UN agency does not grant a patent.
The patent that the DPRK submitted is a process to produce Sodium Cyanide. The product could, in turn, produce Tabun, a nerve agent, as well as used to extract gold. The patent application by North Korea stumped Nikki Haley, U.S. ambassador to the UN.
UN sanctions prohibit countries from supplying sodium cyanide to North Korea which is mandated to abandon all its biological and chemical weapons and programs. WIPO, besides saying patent applications are excluded from the provisions of UN Security Council Resolutions, said it has strict procedures to ensure that UN sanction regimes are fully complied with.
Haley pointed out because of Pyongyang’s bad record on violation of human rights placing cyanide in North Korean hands, having political prisoners, and assassinations, it is not only dangerous but defies common sense. She urged transparency and thorough scrutiny by all UN agencies with deal with the type of requests that the DPRK and other rogue countries would make.