In a bold move, North Korean ambassador, Kim In Ryong said to the United Nations security council that Pyongyang demands the pull out of U.S. forces in the korean peninsula. Ryong also said that the security council held an emergency meeting immediately after the successful missile test launch of North Korea last May 14.
What are the details of North Korea's demands of U.S. troops withdrawal from the Korean peninsula?
Ambassador Ryong said that the missile tests are in line with any country's right for self-defense. He said that North Korea's missile program is for the peaceful stability in Korea and that the United States grossly overstepped its bounds on interfering with the sovereignty of North Korea.
Ryong continued to condemn the restrictive sanctions imposed by the United States and its "high-handed, outrageous interference" of North Korean internal affairs. The ambassador also tried to justify Kim Jong-Un's nuclear ambition as part of North Korea's self-defense plan against regional powers such as South Korea, Japan, and the United States.
Ryong also condemns the United Nations security council's condoning of the U.S. continued sanctions. He also said that the Korean tension would only be lessened if the U.S. removes its military forces in South Korea. He also stated that the only way that North Korea abandons its nuclear program is to lift all sanctions placed on the country completely.
What is the United States reaction to North Korea's continued missile program?
Recently, the U.S. Navy had deployed a second aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan to the Korean peninsula. The Nimitz-class carrier will join its sister ship the USS Carl Vinson for dual-carrier drills in the Korean peninsula. Alongside with the two aircraft carriers, the U.S.
is also finalizing the communication relay for the THAAD anti-missile system deployed in South Korea allowing real-time updates on missile launches made by Pyongyang.
The White House hasn't replied to Ryong's statement, though it will be unlikely for the U.S. to lift all bans against North Korea immediately. At the moment, President Trump is on his way to visit Saudi Arabia on his first official overseas trip after coming to office. United States ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley said that there is no discussion over nuclear weapons and that either country is with Pyongyang or not.
President Trump had been quoted to have the desire to meet with Kim Jong-Un under right circumstances. The North Korean ambassador treats this statement as a sign that Trump will be the one to finally help North Korea get out of the sanctions imposed by previous U.S. presidents.