According to reports carried by ABC, CNN and CNBC, documents that summarize the meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian officials say that the presidential firing of FBI Director James Comey relieved Trump of great pressure over investigations on his Russian links. He booted out Comey, who was investigating former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Trump’s front man who was in contact with Russian officials during the 2016 presidential campaign.
He allegedly told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador to the U.S.
Sergei Kislyak in a closed-door meeting that the pressure has been taken off and he is no longer being investigated, The New York Times reported. Sean Spicer, White House press secretary, did not question the report. However, he explained that what the president meant was that Comey, who allegedly was politicizing and grandstanding, placed unnecessary pressure on Washington’s ability to negotiate and engage with Russia.
Mashable noted that Trump told the Russians Comey was a “real nut job.” The news about Trump telling Russians he is no longer being investigated came while the former "The Apprentice" host was about to embark on a nine-day foreign trip, his first as president of the country.
Probe to continue
But Spicer said Comey’s firing had not ended the investigation which is still ongoing. He insisted the real story in the country’s national security has been undermined by the leak of private and highly classified conversations, The Wall Street Journal reported. Former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed by the Justice Department to lead an independent investigation into the links between the Russian officials and Trump’s campaign which the president calls a witch hunt.
However, Trump is being accused of leaking classified information again to the Russians, particularly a planned operations against the Islamic State. The new leak triggered a call, led by Texas Representative Al Green, to impeach the president.
The firing of Comey and the president’s alleged leaking of classified information to the two Russian officials have backfired on Trump’s approval rating which dropped to an all-time low of 36 percent, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday.
The previous day, the Politico/Morning Consult Poll reported the president’s approval rating was 42 percent.
Impeachment call stronger
While the real estate mogul’s approval rating is on a downward trend, calls for his impeachment are growing stronger. Another Public Policy Polling survey placed the number of Americans voters who favor Trump’s impeachment at 48 percent. But Trump’s followers immediately dismissed the survey results as fake news and bu***hit.
The disapproval of Trump is not limited to ordinary Americans. Reuters reported that 23 percent of Republicans do not approve of Trump. The disapproval rating increased from last week’s 16 percent.