The US Justice Department appointed the former head of the FBI #Robert Mueller special adviser to investigate the case of Russia's "interference" in the presidential election in 2016. As reported by ABC News, the appointment was announced by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Rod Rosenstein said that Mueller had already agreed to work in a new position. It is assumed that Muller will supervise an investigation independent of the Ministry of Justice of hacker attacks.

The publication notes that Mueller's appointment to this post was a concession to the administration of President #Donald Trump to Democrats who earlier demanded an investigation independent of the Justice Ministry.

"The decision (on the appointment of Mueller) does not imply that prosecution is justified and there is any evidence of guilt. I did not make such a definition. I responded positively to the public request that the investigation is independent," Rosenstein said. According to him, for the sake of this appointment, Muller refused to work in his own law firm to prevent a conflict of interest.

From the desk of ABC News

It is noted that Muller will have 60 days to form a budget for the investigation. He will also have the authority to carry out any investigative actions corresponding to the status of the Prosecutor General. According to ABC News, Politics appointment of special counsel does not solve any political problems for Republicans. New special counsel Robert Mueller has also served as FBI director from 2001-2013, directly preceding James Comey

From the #Washington DC, US Senator Charles E. Schumer has released the statement on the appointment of a Muller as the special counsel in the Russia investigation. He stated," A special counsel is very much needed in this situation and the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein has done the right thing, former Director Muller is exactly the right kind of individual for this job, I now have significantly greater confidence that the investigation will follow the facts wherever they lead".

Republican U.S. Representative, Darrell Edward Issa on the appointment of Mueller as special counsel said, "It's good that we now have a focal point of somebody that we all trust".

Earlier an American congressman, Democrat Al Greene, demanded the impeachment of Donald Trump because he interfered with a legitimate investigation of the president's relations and Russian "interference in the US elections in 2016".