Over the last week, Presidential Counsel Kellyanne Conway has returned to cable news outside of the safe space of conservative Fox News. However, Conway has come under fire for her controversial appearances which were highlighted during a segment on MSNBC.

Conway trolled

Not long after Donald Trump clinched the Republican nomination last November, he was forced to make a major change with his campaign.

Former campaign manager Paul Manafort was exposed for having financial ties back to Russia, leading Trump to make the move as the growing scandal with the Kremlin heated up. Replacing Manafort was veteran Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway, who was brought on board along with former Breitbart News CEO Steve Bannon. While Conway was able to help lead the former host of "The Apprentice" to victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, her addition to the campaign didn't come without its struggles. Conway would often appear regularly on cable news, getting debunked on a routine basis for pushing falsehoods from the White House.

Following the election, Conway continued to struggle before being pulled off most cable news channels after her now infamous blunders involving "alternative facts" and the "Bowling Green Massacre." After a reappearance on CNN this week, Conway became the focus of a segment on the May 12 edition of "Morning Joe" on MSNBC.

MSNBC hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough discussed the current headline story of Donald Trump firing James Comey as head of the FBI, before turning their attention to Kellyanne Conway and how she has responded to the backlash that has followed. After referring to Trump as a president "who lies all the time," Scarborough continued to hit back, saying of the White House, "at some point they’re going to turn around and they’re going to want to teach their children not to be like Donald Trump, not to lie, not to get caught in lies every single day."

Mika Brzezinski then gave her thoughts, and after initially criticizing CNN for even having Kellyanne Conway on the show to begin with, she then targeted the presidential counsel by calling her a "repeated liar." "So consistently she (Conway) lies that it's almost like watching a car wreck on the highway when you’re driving by," Brzezinski said.

"You just can’t get your eyes of her," Brzezinski noted, while accusing networks of a "gross tabloid management ploy for ratings" for allowing Conway on the air.

Moving forward

Despite the push-back against the White House, it doesn't look like Donald Trump or Kellyanne Conway are going to change their tune anytime soon. As the president lashes out on Twitter, Conway is expected to continue her cable news appearances, making the rounds as often as Trump will allow, with the exception of appearing on "Morning Joe."