Speculations of an unhappy marriage hounds Donald and Melania Trump based on the couple’s body language. Another example just cropped up at the Israel Airport on Monday when the two arrived and were walking on the tarmac when the president extended his hand to her, and she is caught on video swatting her husband’s hand.

The incident is part of the U.S. president’s nine-day state visit to the Middle East marked by errors by Trump and his wife.

Gizmodo posted a video of the hand swat which was taken from a nine-second tweet by Voice of Reason. The tweet is on its way to becoming viral since it has been retweeted 3,370 times and liked 4,335 times in a few hours that it was posted on Twitter.

Reactions to the tweet

Laura Gatto noted that Trump reached out for her hand after he saw the other pair hold hands. However, she rejected the gesture which Rachel Hill interpreted as Melania saying “Don’t treat me as an afterthought.”

Her reaction in Israel is quite similar when Trump touched her on the arm when she delivered a speech at a rally in early 2017.

Melania reportedly shuddered. Even the presidential inauguration rite was not spared of observations that the former model known as Melania Knauss was distant to her husband. However, Trump has consistently denied their marriage is troubled.

Disconnected from reality

Meanwhile, before the couple left for Israel, the first lady met with female workers of GE, and she posted photos of the workers. In her caption, she wrote that she enjoyed talking to the women employees. Melania lauded the great stride being made towards the empowerment of women in Saudi Arabia.

Mashable pointed out that the insights of the FLOTUS are female-empowerment messages expected from a first lady. However, what she tweeted is far from reality because Saudi Arabia is known for treating women as second-class citizens.

Although women could seek employment, they could not drive vehicles by themselves on the way to work. If they attempted, they would be arrested and penalized. Saudi Arabian women are banned from acquiring a passport or getting a higher education unless approved by her husband or father. The wearing of a headscarf is mandated, but foreign officials visiting the country like Melania Trump are exempt from the rule prescribed by Islamic law which explains why she is scarfless in her photos.

Mashable commented that the tweets of the FLOTUS read more like a message coming from a warped dimension that a progressive support of women’s right.