Vivek H. Murthy was suddenly and abruptly fired as U.S. Surgeon General on Friday by President Donald Trump, in a move that has been viewed as a political favor to the National Rifle Association (NRA). Next Friday, Trump will travel to Atlanta to speak at the NRA Leadership Forum and he may well bring up the subject of letting Dr. Murthy go. The NRA enthusiastically endorsed Trump during the presidential election campaign.

When Vivek H. Murthy was nominated by President Barack Obama in November of 2013, to serve as the 19th Surgeon General of the United States, the NRA threw a fit.

The NRA was incensed by a letter that Murthy signed from health professionals that called on the U.S. Congress to pass stronger gun reform legislation and to develop a "comprehensive national plan to stop Gun Violence." The NRA did not like it one bit and have kept up the pressure on the Surgeon General to stop such rhetoric. The NRA put on a full-scale lobbying campaign to stop the U.S. Senate from confirming the nomination.

Dr. Murthy also ticked off the NRA by advocating that gun violence be classified as a "Public Health" threat. In support of his stance, Congresswoman Robin Kelly (IL-02), introduced a bill, H.R. 224. The bill that was introduced on Jan. 8, 2015 at the beginning of the 114th Congress, required the Surgeon General to submit to Congress "an annual report on the effects of gun violence on public health." The NRA vehemently opposed the legislation, but the bill never got out of committee or to the floor for a vote.

Dr. Vivek Murthy was approved by a close Senate vote in late 2014

Murthy's appointment was approved on December 15, 2014, as Surgeon General by a close Senate vote in favor of him of 51–43.

The American physician and vice admiral in the Public Health Commissioned Corps spoke out about the "public health" epidemic of gun violence.

Think Progress reported that the "resignation is somewhat unusual." The New York Times was told by a White House spokesperson that Murthy participated in a "smooth transition." His term would have ended at the end of this year.

Murthy's deputy, Rear Adm. Sylvia Trent-Adams, will serve as acting surgeon general and will be the first nurse to serve in that position. Murthy continues to serve as a member of the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service.

Murthy announced his resignation on facebook

The announcement that Dr. Murthy would be leaving his post was announced on his personal facebook page. He called the time served as "a humbling and uniquely American story." He said that he would always be grateful to "our country for welcoming my immigrant family nearly 40 years ago and giving me this opportunity to serve."