According to the White House Office of the Press Secretary, the POTUS has identified Dan R. Brouillette as the intended nominee for U.S. Deputy Secretary Of Energy. Rick Perry, former Governor of Texas, is serving as the Secretary of Energy (while the role of Deputy Secretary is currently vacant).
Dan R. Brouillette's background/experience
As of today, Mr. Brouillette is a senior vice president with United Services Automobile Association (USAA), having served in this San Antonio, Texas position since 2006.
Immediately prior to his tenure with USAA, Brouillette worked as a vice president with the Ford Motor Company. His experience related to energy includes having served as chief of staff for the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Plus he has a brief stint (2001 to 2003) as the Assistant Secretary of Energy for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs.
The charge of the Department of Energy
The Department of Energy (DOE) is not only a high-profile entity, but is an extremely important group in terms of the future of the nation and the world. Its mission includes ensuring America's security and prosperity as it relates to not only energy but nuclear and environmental challenges as well.
The DOE collects and provides access to data related to topics of energy including fuel economy, electrical utilities, solar resources, petroleum and other liquids, renewable energy, coal, and countless other energy/technical related issues.
Though rarely touted, the DOE hosts a vast array of public services in areas inclusive of solar, wind, water, geothermal, bioenergy, fossil, nuclear, and electric power. Its public services niche is considered to be on of the most active and engaging sectors within the DOE, ranked second in activity behind its data collection service.
Though the POTUS filled the position of Secretary of Energy less than 60 days after assuming the presidency, the Office of Deputy Secretary is still vacant. Because of the extreme reach and breadth of the DOE, filling this vacancy is a pressing matter for all.